featron ft6720

hi guys
ive got a featron ft6720 laptop amd 300 processor 2gb hd

the tft backlight inverter has burnt out but otherwise perfectly ok
(plug in a monitor and you can use it, not very mobile though)

my question is this has anyone seen one of these know where to get spares know of anyone with a redundant one

i know its old but seems a shame to give up on it
apparently its something to do with philips?
tft is made by torison

oh and by the way also got a hitachi p100 satelite with same problem national trust recently traded it in lol

regards and best wishes tonto

think ill try chimusics approach and answer myself
found a guy with same model unfortunately seems he has same problem !!!!! bother

regards tonto

thanks rastabt will have a look at those
update is guy with same model is sending me his inverter to try
lets hope so

regards tonto

hi all
fixed the ft6720 the guy came through and the inverter works a treat
now for the toshiba
regards tonto

hi all
now ive been given a daewoo with a stonking 75mhz processor & 8mb of ram its fantastic lol lol
regards tonto