fdisk problem

This is true under fat32, I believe it has to do w/ limitations on possible address allocations & current bios limitations.



"While the FAT32 file system can support drives up to a standard theoretical size of 2 terabytes, (it "can" be jury-rigged under Windows Millennium Edition to support partitions of up to 8 TB) Windows 2000 Professional and XP Professional cannot FORMAT a volume larger than 32 GB in size using their native FAT32 file system.

The FastFAT driver can mount and support volumes larger than 32 GB that use the FAT32 file system, such as those created locally by Windows 98 or ME in dual boot configuration, (subject to other limits listed here for Windows 98, ME and 2000 and here for Windows XP), but you cannot CREATE one using the Format tool from within either Windows 2000 Professional or XP Professional. If you attempt to format a FAT32 partition larger than 32 GB, the format fails near the end of the process with the following error message: Logical Disk Manager: Volume size too big."

It's most likely you need to upgrade, configure or update your motherboard bios. You will not be able to format & use the partition as a whole, but you should be able to see this partition under fdisk. Try a 3rd party partitioning program such as powerquest partition magic.
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most good hdd manufacturers have a utility on their website to get around this limit.
give yours a visit.
Have you been in the bios setup, and seen that your pc`s bios support the size of your disk ?

If not , you will have to use a diskmanager like ontracks or the one that follows your disk.

If it does support the size of disk, do as Daveml said or use any free util like part (free/shareware),
BIOSFDISK (free), AEFDISK v2.0 (shareware) special fdisk (free)

There are many more, but take a look at these and use them with care....

