Fairplay starts boycott to bring video game prices down (theinquirer)

Wants Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft to end flat rate fees

IN THE RUN up to the festive season, a UK group is proposing that consumers boycott video games for a week because they're too expensive.
The outfit, Fairplay, wants the price of the games reduced to between £10 and £20, which it says is compatible with other media including CDs, DVD films and music.

But Fairplay argues the biggest obstacle to this is that the hardware manufacturers, Sony, Nintendo and Microosft, charge a flat rate licence fee to software publishers.

Fairplay wants, instead, to make these hardware manufacturers replace the flat rate charge by a fee which is a percentage of the retail price.

The amount of the flat rate licence, claims Fairplay, is around £9, although some manufacturers offer variable fees for low priced games.

The organisation has started a campaign aimed at boycotting buying the games, and has also started an online petition.
