Extreme Power Tools 2002

cant sleep again , so i decided to do some more research and found this interesting piece of info on the net:

'Don't explain it, just fix it.'
Although a computer fresh from the showroom can appear to be a dream, daily use can quickly become a nightmare, and nowhere has this happened on the same scale as Microsoft Windows. Although the PC was initially a paradise of anarchy, the difficulty of writing 'real' Windows applications directly at the 'core' gave rise to 'fourth generation languages', and the market panic to get everyone to spend money on a computer meant that taking time to impart basic skills in computer use had to be forgone totally. With developers and users alike faltering it is no surprise that the 'innards' of a Windows personal computer can in a short time come to resemble a battlefield.

The many deficiencies or 'holes' in functionality that Windows exhibits have in turn given rise to the add-on software market where single-purpose utilities can remedy at most one deficiency or hole at a time - and set the computer user back serious money each time. And looking farther down the road, it is not difficult to see that these additional costs can quickly surpass the initial cost of the computer itself.

The folly here is in the approach: Applications which take hours to download and yet do only one thing at best are clearly not the answer. The Unix approach - to inspect the toolbox and use what is available to solve every new problem - is far superior. Using this approach may not solve the immediate problem at hand as quickly as the single-purpose application, but its continual use - with an ever-growing know-how - solves all future problems both faster and cheaper.

Extreme Power Tools is written and reviewed by professionals. No shortcuts are used in the software development process - it's 'real' programming all the way, to ensure quality leveraged to you the user. Because it is used by the people who make it, you can know it's going to work and work well. And because the people who build the applications of Extreme Power Tools take pride in their work, you know the code is going to be reviewed continually, the software itself continuously improved.

In the seven years the XPT has been available online, there has not been a single vulnerability or bug found. None. If there is such as thing as bug-free software, this is it.

And the software itself is only the half of it. Extreme Power Tools is more than a product - it's a membership. Good tools work best with increased knowledge. And let's face it - regardless of how little you really want to have to know about your computer, if your computer runs Microsoft Windows there is no way you are going to get away with it - and if you stubbornly insist on remaining blissfully ignorant, you will only be the fool. These environments are simply not refined enough to permit such a lackadaisical approach. Perhaps in a better world, but not now, and not with an operating system from Microsoft.

So there are two roads you can go down now that you know this. You can continue as before. And the next time you need something done on your computer, you can opt to absolutely refuse to learn enough about it so you can fix it on your own, and you can opt to pay good money for a product which purportedly will fix your new problem but none other.

Or you can decide today that you are going to take control of your computer. You can decide to get the 'extreme power' you need to do this. You can opt for Extreme Power Tools membership and start getting a clue like all the rest of us.

So , if this sounds interesting to anyone else in here , let me know if you find it .
I have done all the usual searches and so far , no joy!

I am still looking tho and hope some of you folks will decide to join in the search

My gut tells me this could be a real good find for those of us still stuck with the "devil's own software"!!

If anyone knows where it is please posta link or P.M. me and i'll check it out
