external DVDRW


New member
Hi all.
Can anyone offer some help please. I have an external Firewire case from SVP with (now) a Toshiba 4x DVD-RW drive. I can write to DVDr but not CDr, CDRW or DVDRW. I tried with an LG DVDRW drive and that was the same.
I connected each internally and they worked without a problem but once again, if in the external case, only DVDr.

If I insert a DVD-RW disc, the 'enable CD recording' from properties is automatically unchecked and the drive is then shown as a CD-ROM (using XP home)

SVP have offered to take the case back but I'd much rather get it working so I can pop my LG drive back in and use my DVD-RAM's on my laptop and desktop.

Many thanks,
Hi Subotai, Welcome to our forum! :cool:

i don't know if XP's internal burning engine really supports external drives;
you can try installing Adaptecs ASPI layer 4.60 (1021) by using ForceASPI 1.7, maybe it will fix your problem;
(downloadable there: http://www.dvdrbase.com/showthread.php?t=32137)

What about other burning software like the glorious < Nero >?

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Greetings from


New member
Thanks for the reply. I use Nero 6.3 and so use their ASPI. What confuses me (and a few others) is that the external unit will work for DVDr but not DVDRW and even more strange CDr or CDRW. I haven't tried under USB (only firewire) as the laptop is USB 1 only.
I think this has beaten me now :(
so if you use Nero, you can disable IMAPI and apply ForceASPI anyway;
it cannot harm so it's woth the try; :)


i also find that using nero's aspi layers can be quite fateful in most cases i prefer to use adapetcs aspi layers and have never had any problems with them at all so id get rid of neros aspi and stiuck with adaptec mate