Error starting DVD Stripper for the first time


New member
Well, I finally got around to installing DVD Stripper and I got the "comdlg32.ocx" error. So, I installed the files from the Sticky post and now I get the following error:

"Failed to load control 'CommonDialog' from COMDLG32.OCX. Your version of COMDLG32.OCX may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with your application."
johnand said:
Well, I finally got around to installing DVD Stripper and I got the "comdlg32.ocx" error. So, I installed the files from the Sticky post and now I get the following error:

"Failed to load control 'CommonDialog' from COMDLG32.OCX. Your version of COMDLG32.OCX may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with your application."
how did you install the file?
did you do it manually or use the installer?
what Operating System are you using?

below are links to the two files in my system, download them and stick both in your System32 folder. It's looks like you may also have to register it though I never did on my laptop

"open the run dialog box using "Start | Run..." and enter "Regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx" to register the DLL."

download link for Comdlg32.ocx
download link for Mscomctl.ocx

have you installed the VB6 runtime files HERE?


New member
MackemX said:
how did you install the file?
did you do it manually or use the installer?

I installed it w/ the installer first, then tried manually.

what Operating System are you using?

XP Professional

below are links to the two files in my system, download them and stick both in your System32 folder. It's looks like you may also have to register it though I never did on my laptop

"open the run dialog box using "Start | Run..." and enter "Regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx" to register the DLL."

download link for Comdlg32.ocx
download link for Mscomctl.ocx

Thanks, I'll try installing those when I get home tonight.

have you installed the VB6 runtime files HERE?

No, haven't installed those yet either, I will install those as well and report back.

Thanks for the help :)


New member
Both the links you have for the comdlg32.ocx and mscomctl.ocx both point to, so I am only able to download mscomctl.ocx.


New member
All is working now! I just sent you an email to register.

Do I have to get a new key everytime you release a new version?
johnand said:
All is working now! I just sent you an email to register.

Do I have to get a new key everytime you release a new version?
the updates should work just fine I think :)

did you use the DScontact email address in the version you have to send your key?

include your username and updates will be sent automatically