Error Deleting File

When I emptied my recycle bin to clear its files, an "Error Deleting File" window appears with this comment:

"Cannot delete be_lfmow. Cannot find the specified file. Make sure you specify the correct path and filename."

Is this a virus?

Pls help how to solve this error.

Thanks in advance.
Check at first your hard disk(s) for errors with Scandisk or Norton Disk Doctor. Sometimes, without any disk error or virus, it can occur to get a such message - especially if you deleted to Recycle Bin a file having an "illegal" name for Windows. Some such files can be copied to the hard disk, but cannot be opened/deleted because this "cannot find..." thing. If your file system is FAT, not NTFS, try rebooting the system from a DOS boot diskette, and delete the "Recycled" folders from each partition. They will be automatically re-created when Windows starts.
Thanks auras for the reply

I have tried checking the hard disk using scandisk and no errors were found. I tried rebooting my system with dos boot diskette, but, too bad, I cannot find the recycled folder.

My observation of this error recently was that it only happens when emptying the recycle bin at one time. What I did to remove the trashed contents in it was to open the recycle bin and deleted the files individually. It works well. But the disgusting thing was that this file "be_lfmow" is still existing invisibly when directly removing the recycled files at one time.

Is there any other software to fix this?