error copying dvd-rw


New member
I have had this LG GSA-4040B DVD recorder for a month now and have not successfully burned a dvd yet. I have tried all the suggestions on this forum so far I downloaded Aspi forceaspi DVD Decoder and DVD shrink. That did not work so I went out and bought DVDXCopy Express and that seemed to work but it shows errors copying file and all that shows up on the disk is the Audio File. After wasting 6 Maxell DVD-R I switched to Maxell DVD-RW. How do I erase these DVD-RW's so that I may reused them until I can perfect this think. I have power DVD to play back but nothing to erase the disk. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. I even moved the burner and dvd rom to my second computer which has almost nothing on it but plenty of space and it is a Pent 933 with 256ram and 40gig Hard Drive and even that did not work/


New member
om said:
I have had this LG GSA-4040B DVD recorder for a month now and have not successfully burned a dvd yet. I have tried all the suggestions on this forum so far I downloaded Aspi forceaspi DVD Decoder and DVD shrink. That did not work so I went out and bought DVDXCopy Express and that seemed to work but it shows errors copying file and all that shows up on the disk is the Audio File. After wasting 6 Maxell DVD-R I switched to Maxell DVD-RW. How do I erase these DVD-RW's so that I may reused them until I can perfect this think. I have power DVD to play back but nothing to erase the disk. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. I even moved the burner and dvd rom to my second computer which has almost nothing on it but plenty of space and it is a Pent 933 with 256ram and 40gig Hard Drive and even that did not work/

start up "burnatonce" program (works only on -RW +RW discs I think) and click on "Tools" and then "Erase the disc" ...thats it..

its a free program you can download.

also use free first insert the ORIGINAL DVD into ur DVD-R (w/e) drive and use "dvd decrypter" to decrypt it, anyway look for CHIckenmans tutorial and do it step by step...

also if u do that step by step check it on a diffrent DVD, maybe the DVD is faulty... but also I dont know about your DVD Recorder/burner...but it doesnt sound like it is known alot, but I think it might be your dvd burner also, because my Pioneer never had a problem it even rip's scratched dvd's...
Just about any dvd burning software can erase the DVDRW for you. Nero, Record Now Max, Discjuggler, etc

PowerDVD is just simply a DVD player and has nothing to do with erasing or recording dvdr's.