Error 80040231


New member
Dear users,

Since two days I always get error 80040231 when burning to DVD+R. The message appears during the analyzing phase.

My system:

OS Windows XP professional with SP1
Instant Copy
DVD burner NEC DVD_RW ND-1300A

Hope you have a solution or tips for me.

Thanks in advance.
HdeDoelder said:
Dear users,

Since two days I always get error 80040231 when burning to DVD+R. The message appears during the analyzing phase.

My system:

OS Windows XP professional with SP1
Instant Copy
DVD burner NEC DVD_RW ND-1300A

Hope you have a solution or tips for me.

Thanks in advance.
Hi HdeDoelder!

does this only happen with a certain DVD or with all DVDs you try ?
If it happens with any dvd, this suggests that maybe your IC installation got corrupted somehow, so you might want to try uninstalling and reinstalling IC for
a first attemp on solving this issue! If its only one disc please provide some addtional information on the disc!
