encoding help please


New member
encoding takes longer than watching the actual film is there anything i can do to improve this. Also once a film is encoded if you want to burn it to a cd is there a way you can without having to encode it all over again. Using Divx and roxio cd and dvd creator 6. Many thanks for your help :) :) :)
encoding takes longer than watching the actual film is there anything i can do to improve this.
it takes time 4 the image 2 b processed....gettin a faster cpu may solve it
Also once a film is encoded if you want to burn it to a cd is there a way you can without having to encode it all over again
could u elaborate a bit more?r u compressin a dvd video 2 avi or vice versa?;)


New member
serjer said:
it takes time 4 the image 2 b processed....gettin a faster cpu may solve it
could u elaborate a bit more?r u compressin a dvd video 2 avi or vice versa?;)
thankyou for your help already , i am new to this so only know simple words at moment LOL
i have downloaded a film on net , it was an avi, i have roxio dvd creator and when i pressed burn it starts encoding then other bits then burns to the dvd. i have had a look to make another copy but it starts the whole process all over again taking approx. 6 hours. my cpu is 2.00ghz celeron is it fast enough thanks sorry to be a pain with all these questions
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Your CPU is fast enough (of course a faster one is alway better but hey, is $$'s ). I'd suggest you start reading up a bit and starting in the Tutorial section. I'd also give Roxie the flick as it will cause more problems than it tries to cure.


New member
thanks chickenman, one last thing b4 i read the tutorials , can roxio make the audio not match the video. sound and picture dont co-ordinate
"..can roxio make the audio not match the video. sound and picture dont co-ordinate"

Absolutely and it does it very well indead.
ChickenMan said:
"..can roxio make the audio not match the video. sound and picture dont co-ordinate"

Absolutely and it does it very well indead.
Tut tut!
Sarcasm is most unbecoming.

Seriously though, the valued encoders seem to be:
1. CCE (Cinemacraft) - watermarked demo available
2. TMPGENC PLUS - 30 day fully functional trial?

The encoder in NERO is not highly rated, so going from Roxio to Nero for that reason would not be a great improvement.

FFMPEG is a FREE MPEG2 capable encoder, but it's rare to find binaries (though there ARE windows binaries) due to problems with patent holders etc.
The quality is also apparently inferior to CCE/TMPEG+
@LTR12101B, your right "Sarcasm is most unbecoming." but when I see a mention of Roxie, I cant help myself. :)

Just for your interest, there is a new MPEG2 encoder based on FFMPEG (hence free) thats just been released, its QuEnc and was made specifically for DVD ReBuilder. Not as good as CCE but better than most.
I would have to say that ffmpeg is pretty easy to compile anyway.

If the pulsing bug is fixed then QuEnc would be a decent choice considering that it is free. No audio encoding though.