Elby CloneDVD Quality


New member
Hi. Just had a quick question I was hoping someone could answer. In CloneDVD when you select the tracks and choose too keep or ditch the menus it has the quality bar. It shows the quality percentage to fit it on the disc.

What Im wondering is does the quality increase if on the next screen you remove some stuff from that track... Say french audio? Theres no new quality bar so Im not too sure.

Thanks for any help on this.
Yes, the quality does increase when you decrease the size of the final dvd movie. (compression level will be lower and you will get better quality)


New member
Re Elby Clone DVD Quality


As previously posted the quality does improve. The more stuff you rip out (ie unneeded subtitles, trailers, Tv spots etc) the better the 'movie' will be.

CloneDVD v2.5.0.3 has addressed this by showing a secondary 'quality bar' after scanning your final chosen options It also gives you a high and low point showing where you can expect the final quality of the DVDR to be. Try the new version if you can. There are a few improvements, including better transcoding, removal of chapter points (if you want) among others :D