this is quite easy,you will need to copy the whole disk to your hdd, if you have a copy of ulead DVD author open it and select create new project, then select add dvd video, in the open dialogue box go to your copied dvd VIDEO_TS folder and click on it then click on open.Ulead DVD Author should then open the add dvd video wizard, you wil see a list of titles acording to whatever your dvd is, select for example the top title and then select next, this will open another box with "reading chapter information" click thing that happens is another large dialogue box opens and from this click on the chapter cut edit botton, you will now see the editing screen and any chapters down the side. You can now pick the start and end points of the clip you want and use the edit menu button to select, when done you can click on the OK button.This can be repeated many times using the same title so you can actually swap around the chapters into a different order or take a chapter from one title and mix it with a chapter from another title. Anyway when you have selected your clip you are taken back to the source setup to select another clip, now if you know you have say five clips of one type and 7 clips of another type for the 7 clips you can pick NEW TRACK from the left hand side and then repeat above for the seven clips, when you have finished jigging all your clips around click on the create menu button to create the menu's. Now because you created a new track you will have 2 master menu's and then the sub menus underneath, you have to choose your menu template from the left hand side, rename the clips , check all is correct and finally output the files to a folder, Ulead creates all the files and then i personally burn using make DVD movie option in nero.
hope this helps someway towards your goal
i may do a proper tutorial on this so look out in the next few days