Edit audio on a SVCD

I have spent several hours trying to find a productive way to edit the audio on a SVCD. I made a SVCD from a DVD with DVD2SVCD using chickenmans tutorial. I then wanted to edit some of the language on my SVCD. (I can succesfully use myflix xe for vcd) but when I try to use myflix xe or m2edit pro, the audio and video get messed up just while I'm trying to set a clip to edit, so I tried a different method, I (single) demultiplexed my mpeg2 file with tmpeg2.54a. (it spits out a .mp2 file) I then opend the audio file in soundforge 6 and edited what I needed to and then saved the sound as a MAIN CONCEPT MPEG2 file (which I don't know if that was what I should have done). I multiplexed them back together with tmpeg and I have a slight lipsync. I did notice that my new audio file after saving it in soundforge was bigger (30 MB bigger) than the original mp2 file after the demultiplex. So I'm tired of pushing a rock up a mountain and I'm hoping that someone will have some kind of advice they could give me as to what programs or procedures I should try. I think it would work if I could resave the edited (I'm not cutting or cropping, I just mute the spots I need to) audio file as the original .mp2 file. I'm not sure if soundforge could have changed my bitrate (128 originally) after I edited it and saved it as MAIN CONCEPT MPEG2 file. I would appreciate any help.

Is the audio out of sync by, say 1/2 sec, all the way through the movie?

If so, then dont re-mux your new MP2 file with video file using TMPGEnc (not the worlds best Muxer, great at de-muxing though), use MPEG2VCR instead. It has an audio offset that you can apply (both +'ve or -'ve) when re-muxing the 2 files together. Use the Search button on main screen and you will find it.

If not and the audio goes further out of syn the more it plays, then Sound forge has changed the audio frequency.

Yes, my offset was off my a hair. I tried the mpegvcr option, my multiplexed output file is choppy, what do you think is causing this to happen? However, my after using mpgvcr, my total out put file is a little smaller compared to the previous tries with tmpeg. Do you think that after I demultiplexed w/tmpeg and edited the .mp2 and then saved it as .mpg would have anything to do with my problems? I've checked both my video and audio files and they are okay, it's just when I multiplex that I get the problems. Do you think if I used another audio editor that might help?
No I dont thing Sound Forge is the problem, I've been using ver 5 with no problems at all, though I save to WAV from Sound Forge and then convert WAV to MPA with BeSweet (it uses TooLame to do the encoding, which uses Lame). I've never had a problem doing it that way before.

Also try re-muxing with bbMPEG (actually AVI2MPEG2), it does SVCD correctly as well.

I am so thankful for the advice you have given me so far. I have tried a lot of things and I think my problem lies in the multiplexing, everytime I multiplex, it messes up about 40 seconds into the movie, it starts catching and skipping. I have tried multiplexing with tmpeg and mpg2vcr, for some reason I couldn't get bbmpeg to work right. I've even tried just de-multiplexing a file and not changing anything and then just multiplexing them back together and I still get problems! Would it be too much trouble if you could give me a quick run through of the proper way of demultiplex and multiplex a file using software that you've recommended. Would an aspi driver be the problem or something like that? Let me know what you think.

I would only re-mux MPEG2 files together with MPEG2VCR and bbMPEG. I'll run through bbMPEG.

Install bbMPEG and run AVI2MPEG2, click on Start Encoding button. Then click Settings button. In General Tab make sure both Multiplex Audio & Video are ticked. The 3 boxs at the bottom should be on 0 (zero). Now click Input Output Files tab. Click Open PS and give a name of the file you wish to save, click Open VS and select the video file *.MPV (or M2V), click Open AS 1 and select the audio file *.MPA (or MP2). In Program Stream Settings tab, select SVCD and leave all other settings there alone. Now hit OK and then select START. Sit back while it re-muxes the 2 files together.