Easy way to change Windows XP key!

i saw this on warp2search.net anyone knows which site is that???

" Anonymous writes "I just found on a site that you can simply reset your xp by using a tool called sysprep.exe (Windows Sytem Preparation Tool)... It´s quite simple.

This tool will reset XP it in a way that after rebooting the machine it will prompt you for all information again, including key... If you have a valid Corp key you can changed it without messing with registry. There's also a tool that generates valid corp keys (so called MiCROSOFT XP Suite KEYGEN). If you realy have a valid key this will be the easiest way to change your key. And it works.

Hey what's the Name of the site or is it 3 guess's and you get a bat around the head! LOL Like I said many times before It helps if you include the site URL "


This also may be of interest on this matter.


And maybe also this...


And yet another article on how to change the corp key here:- h**p://www.xp-erience.org/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=170
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