Electronic Arts on Friday confirmed Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome for the PC - a multiplayer-focused expansion pack for the original Battlefield 1942. Road to Rome focuses exclusively on the underpublicized Italian and Sicilian campaigns of W.W.II. Players can choose to fight on six new maps including Operation Husky (Sicily) and the battles for Anzio and Monte Cassino. Each map comes with authentic environmental details such as Italian houses and the Monte Cassino Monastery. Road to Rome will feature eight new controllable vehicles in addition to the more than 30 in the original title. These include the German BF-110 and British Mosquito twin-engined fighter-bombers. Also debuting are Italian and new British and German tanks and anti-tank guns. New hand-held weapons include the Italian Breda assault rifle and British Sten SMG as well as bayonets on rifles. Two new fighting forces include the French and Italians. Road to Rome is under development at Swedish-based Digital Illusions and is scheduled to be released in early 2003. The original Battlefield 1942 is required to play.