DVDx 2.0

Hey anyone use DVDx 2.0? It rocks, basically you choose the IFO file found normally on the DVD or on your HD if you have ripped it(contains all the info about the film, the length, frames, angles, aspect ratio, display mode etc.. So if you rip it make sure you grab the file called vts_01_0.ifo always 64k in length, without it cannot be processed )

Set it up so you don't have too make changes in the future and as long as you give it a custom cd size such an 80 min cd = (789MB)/90 min not checked the capacity yet(There is some trial and error involved, but once you have got the right setting, just make a note somewhere incase you lose the prog and have too set it up again, if you want a higher bitrate then be prepared too drop the resolution from the size I have specified and expect it to end up on more than 2 cd's.

when it gets near the specified capacity then it starts writing out the 2nd part and so on. Normally for SVCD I use a bit rate of 2200 for the video and the 224kbs for the sound. Because it would seem only the new Pioneer 444s (9/10) 52mm in height and the newer models above can play back at a resolution of 480x576, not far off the DVD standard 720x576. Tried too play these on cheaper players and they get frame skipping and its very jerky. I could drop the resolution down, but if it works for me, then why? I only a noticed a slight prob with a divx film of The One, from which I extracted the video and AC3 seperately, when I had encoded and watched, there was a very slight judder now and again, but I think this was caused by the original divx not being encoded correctly. I could do what my m8 does and use a resolution of 320 x 300 and use a 2300 bit rate, but whats the point in watching a tiny screen on yer widescreen TV? I don't see the point myself.

Greets too all Fellow Members from The Diplomat :D

There yah go corrected my typo error, plus I have given a clearer explanation ok.

Helping others is my freedom of expression
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N.B. said:
hmmz ..
Mate I think you messed up a little bit .. :D
Isn´t it DVDx 2.0 ? :)
I did PM you and ask if you could change the thread too DVDx 2.0, as I dont have the user writes too perform such actions

Greetz from The Diplomat :D

Helping others is my freedom of expression


Staff member
Sorry .. just came home ...
Was around .. not at my computer :d
Did change it now ..
I think a few members use it here but majority use either DVD2AVI/TMPGenc for making thier VCD or DVD2SVCD with CCE for SVCD. A lot simpler to use and better quality all round. Also faster. DVDx is okay for your first encode, but I would encorage anyone to move onto something that produced better quality.
ChickenMan said:
I think a few members use it here but majority use either DVD2AVI/TMPGenc for making thier VCD or DVD2SVCD with CCE for SVCD. A lot simpler to use and better quality all round. Also faster. DVDx is okay for your first encode, but I would encorage anyone to move onto something that produced better quality.

No worrys mate, I have used all those other programs before, just thought it might be easier as it creates the the mpeg2 files already split too the capacity of the cd's you are using i.e. 80min
I'm totally new with this encoding stuff,that's why i have choosen for DVDx plus LSX-Mpeg Suite. (not too bad!)
DVDx 2.0 won't accept this Plug-in :(

I will def. tryout DVD2SVCD/CCE.
Intercept said:
No worrys mate, I have used all those other programs before, just thought it might be easier as it creates the the mpeg2 files already split too the capacity of the cd's you are using i.e. 80min
Arrr... so does DVD2SVCD. :) You really cant get it any simpler a program to use than DVD2SVCD really. Nothing to set up other than a few basics originally. Unlike DVDx, all those settings to check off. You just rip, load in and burn the files it creates.

Suggest you give it a try, and I know once you do you will NEVER go back to DVDx.
I am encoding a movie now with DVD2SVCD like you said but it woudn't work with the Cinema Craft encoder it died so I am using the TMGEnc Plus Encoder and its going along quite happily One prob with this program I like my SVCD films in 480x576, something DVDx 2.0 would allow. From looking at the screen too monitor progress it says at the bottom of the encoder screen it is using the following Parameters DVD2SVCD (Mpeg-2 480x576 25fps CQ 100) but when I look at the picture I got massive boarders top and bottom. Its using the Width of 480 as real DVD size is 720 width and 576 in height. Now from looks of things it is giving me a height of 350. Any ideas? Cus if I am gona leave DVDX 2.0 behind cus it very tricky too setup as sometimes near the end of the movie it would start skipping frames. saying that, the following films are perfect when I was using DVDx 2.0

A long Time Dead
Thirteen Ghosts
Scary movie 2 (1st disk went onto an infinity 99min cd ok. Total capacity used 93:25.57/ 944meg) and that played back without a hitch.
AI went onto 3x 90 min cd's
Heart Breakers went on too 3 x 90 min plus cd's
102 Dalmations went on 2x 90 min cd's but did not quite fill them)
Jet Li The One went on 2 x 80 cd's

What speed should the film be written at? That might explain the jumping back too a certain frame on the SVCD, if you fast forwarded the film past the part where it jumps, it would be real smooth but then as soon as you started playing again, it would jump back too that spot. Any explanation why I had no trouble with the films mentioned above? my Pioneer 444s can play back 480x 576 without a hitch.
Pleae read the tutorial, it will answer most of your questions. Its at


If you cant use CCE then you have some problem with your setup. I assume your using CCE 2.50, if not get that version. It works for 1000's of people, it shpould work for you to.

When you play the movie (what is it by the way?) in the PC with say WinDVD, what black bands are there top & bottom, are they similar to what you got with the SVCD ? If so the actual encoding has been done to 480x576, as long as you chose SVCD then it cannot encode to anything else (well not for a PAL SVCD).
ChickenMan said:
Pleae read the tutorial, it will answer most of your questions. Its at


If you cant use CCE then you have some problem with your setup. I assume your using CCE 2.50, if not get that version. It works for 1000's of people, it shpould work for you to.

When you play the movie (what is it by the way?) in the PC with say WinDVD, what black bands are there top & bottom, are they similar to what you got with the SVCD ? If so the actual encoding has been done to 480x576, as long as you chose SVCD then it cannot encode to anything else (well not for a PAL SVCD).
The films I created @ a resolution of 480x576 are used too playback on my Pioneer 444s DVD player. I have no problems with the films mentioned above they play back perfectly. I only test them on powerdvd and if they play ok after 1st burning too a RW disk I then test it on my standalone DVD player if it plays back ok I burn onto an 80 min CD.