DVDStripper "Lite" is out!!


New member
No it's not, but I wish it was. :)

Well, now I have your attention, here is my idea. :D

A "Lite" (simpler) version of DVDStripper.

- It would be limited to the deletion of titles in the same way Nero Recode can replace them with a fixed image or "Slideshow".
- It could be used with DVD Decrypter "standard" rips (all files/split by file), or directly from disc if AnyDVD or equivalent was running.
- The interface would be much simpler, leaving room for a simple preview (a la DVD Shrink v2.3).
- It would be a good introduction to DVDStripper "Full".

What do you all think? ;)
Hi, dd
You definately caught my attention with that! lol

I'm used to, and like very much the 'full' version. I can see that the idea would be very attractive to people new to the whole stripping concept and possibly an easy stepping stone to the 'full' version. Could be something for Mackem and TMG to consider.



New member
He he :)

I do appreciate the power and usefulless of DVD Stripper, but I also hear a lot of "Can I keep the menu and movie only", "I wish I could delete some extras and keep the menu" from DVD Shrink users.

A "Lite" version of DVDStripper would be easier to use for them and do exactly that. ;)


New member
The only thing wrong with the way recode works is the replace with still image has the same runtime so theres not much gain except space. If you could change that run time from 15mins to 15ms it would be great.

Although being able to do start end (as in remake) or 15ms replace on any cell would be the best thing evar.


New member
Yep I've just started using stripper and menu edit, would be nice to have it all in one program though (that is on topic ;) ).

I was talking about adding to recode tbh which is related to shrink no?
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New member
Still off-topic, addie. ;)
I'm talking about a simplified/cut-down version of DVDStripper, you're talking about adding functionality to it.
ddlooping said:
Still off-topic, addie. ;)
I'm talking about a simplified/cut-down version of DVDStripper, you're talking about adding functionality to it.
To make this 'Lite' version, what would you have removed, functionality-wise?



New member
ablindog said:
To make this 'Lite' version, what would you have removed, functionality-wise?

The ability to delete cells.

By restricting a "Lite" version to the removal of titlesets (which is what Extras usually are), you make the whole process much simpler.

DVD Decrypter can be used as "standard" (file mode/ all files/ split by files), or you can even save a considerable amount of time and space by using a software like AnyDVD (no need to rip).
The interface would be much simpler too, and could be similar to the DVD Structure in DVD Shrink.