DVDRB w/ DVD Shrink for menus?


New member
It is clear that DVDRB does not touch menus and encodes only the main menu and video extras.

I was wondering if it was possible to take a DVD into DVD Shrink first and then transcode menus and then...

...Take this output into DVDRB so there is more space in the target destination (i.e. the DVD 5) for a better quality main movie and motion extras?

It sounds doabale in theory, but the problem I have struck is working out which parts on the DVD DVDRB encodes and which bits are "menus" or extras it does not touch.

For example, see:


These are what DVDRB seems to encode? Not sure how to read into that though.

And here is the contents of the DVD in DVD Shrink:


Is there any way of working out which bits DVDRB plans on encoding and so I can alter in DVD Shrink?

I do not want to accidently transcode something which ends up being encoded too - imagine the quality.

P.S. The links I have put up, I am not sure if that is a multi angle DVD (If it is its pointless using since DVDRB won't be able to handle it.) But you get the idea and any pointers will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance..
DVDRB will ONLY show the VTS sets it will encode. The Menu is normally in either the VIDEO_TS.VOB or VTS_01_0.VOB files and as you say, these are just copied over as is with no encoding to reduce their size. They are normally small anyway and thats why the author decided to do it that way. The space gained if they where encoded would be minimul. Same for Subtitles, they just all get transfered as well. Also, files 55meg or under are also not encoded as again, the space saved by any re-encoding would be minimal.

I'm sure these things will change as time goes on but his aim is to get a 100% working tool that works in this simple way on 90% of the dvd's out there. Then he starts adding new features and improvements.

So to answer your first question, yes you can use Shrink to pree process Menu's, remove Subs, etc if you wish. It works for many but some are having problems pre-processing. Try it and let us know how you went.
NuMenu4U can be used to reencode your menus to make them smaller. it works for most dvds (the author is trying to work out the bugs with a new version) and is easy to use once you set it up the first time.


New member
So, transcoding menus and smaller videos for a bit more space on the DVD will have minimum effect on the quality of the main movie? But is there any indicator of knowing which of these smaller bits DVDRB is not touching? e.g. a set filesize limit? Is it exactly 55MB or is there no way of knowing?

Also, is there any point in running the DVD through DVD Shrink to remove the layer break?

And talking of DVD Shrink, what does deep analysis achieve?


P.S. Any recommendations on what to burn DVDRB's final output with?
TheGame7 said:
But is there any indicator of knowing which of these smaller bits DVDRB is not touching? e.g. a set filesize limit? Is it exactly 55MB or is there no way of knowing?
The author of DVDRB says its 55 meg !!!! Right or wrong, its et at 55 meg however he says eventually that will be selectable, but not for menus. Who knows what and when it will develope to include this. Hes also intending to allow compressing the extras a bit more than the main movie, but again, dont hold your breath waiting.

I use Nero to burn all my DVD's in UDF/ISO mode and I'm yet to find a DVD Player that cant play them back properly. I'm sure the next 10 posts will recommend 10 different soultions though.


New member
Does the layer break need to be removed before running through DVD RB using ifoedit or DVD Shrink?

Or is it removed anyway since DVDRB is reauthoring the DVD?


TheGame7 said:
Does the layer break need to be removed before running through DVD RB using ifoedit or DVD Shrink?

Or is it removed anyway since DVDRB is reauthoring the DVD?
Does not come into play afaik as the whole movie is being rebuilt and encoded.