DVDLab Pro...update!

PRO Beta 4Jun 1st, 2004
he DVD-lab PRO version is a next step in DVD authoring for advanced users who need accessible and easy to learn tool with full range of DVD features.

Most of the existing tools are either very expensive and hard to master or are limited in implementing DVD specifications. Many tools that are often marketed as advanced or for professional use are actually only more expensive consumer applications with pre-cooked DVD structure and questionable user interface.

DVD-lab PRO is based on the idea of original DVD-lab. Instead of insulting the users with an overdone flashy interface, DVD-lab and DVD-lab PRO put strong emphasis on the usability of it. The Modern Windows GUI can be tweaked and reorganized to everybody taste even across multiple monitors.

DVD-lab PRO is also one of the very few applications on the market that grows with your requirements and knowledge. Users of other applications usually either outgrow them very soon or they need to study a long time before they are able to start with a complex software. We put a lot of effort to the DVD-lab PRO so it offers benefits of both worlds. It is easy to start making first DVD's but it doesn't stop there. As you continue to master the craft you will realize that DVD-lab PRO offers an unlimited range of design flexibility and delivers the goods even for most demanding designers.


Note: During installation of the B4 it will claim in the install box it is beta 3 - sorry for that, I forgot to change the installation. Once installed check the about box, it should say it is beta 4.

Installation: DO NOT install over previous DVD-lab version. Install in separate directory. You will be able to run it fine, but there will be missing backgrounds, objects, transitions and styles. You can copy these folders from DVD-lab installation. When windows asks you during copying such message : "This Folder already contains a folder named Objects", click YES.

Fixes in the beta 4 from beta 3:

* audio title not working properly (same audio plays on multiple titles, problem with large lpcm files)
* no warning if user doesn't use same number of subtitles in all movies in one VTS, solved by adding dummy subtitles
* motion menus on PAL/NTSC still not working correctly - highliting shows for brief time then dissapear which disallow for navigation from the menu
* Adding Audio/Subtitle/Resume Stream selection to a VMG menu button will crash (typo error)
* The Import VTS appears to allow to edit VM commands - but it shouldn't
* On VMG menu buttons it appears as if you can link to any chapters of any movie, but that's wrong. From VMG you can connect only to movie start. Only a VTS menu can have access to chapters.
* Sometimes when you scroll in movie and then add chapter it adds the chapter a bit later
* remote menu button link should not be able to set for script objects
* empty branch object will mess up compilation.
* PAL motion menu renders with 29.97 fps
* VM editor allows adding invalid condition Type 3 comparing SPRM and constant: if (SPRM8 == num) etc. (SPRM can't be on left side, neither it can be compared with constant)

Not yet addressed known bugs:

* on 16:9 all subtitles are set to play first subtitle stream

Additional features

* added *.SSA and *.SON subtitle import.
* Edit VM command in Menu Buttons
* Snap to Grid in Connection window
* Create Image file during compile
* Create DVD-9 image files during compile with automatic layer break
DVDLab Pro
PRO Beta Six

PRO Beta Six (DVDlabProB6.exe or DVDlabProB6.exe 5.5MB)
July 20th, 2004

Fixes from beta 5 to beta 6
- Subtitles are always ON by default (on some f... players, I mean buggy players)
- if Title button has no link it may point to nonexisting object.
- There shouldn't be Set Subtitle and Set Audio on VMG menus. From VMG you cannot set SPRM2
- Paste Attributes lock clipboard
- movie branch doesn't wotk with M+ remote menu link
- switched menu wizard on vmg doesn't work as it should
-deleting video track should delete all audio tracks not only first one.


- UOPs
- Force select displaying subtitles
- Ability to set loop point for hollywood style motion menu (delayed buttons). The menu become: (initial entry motion) + (loop region with buttons)+ end (optional)
- add vm command to title cells
- ability to adjust position of existing chapters with a mouse
- simpe "editing" of movie by setting Skip Regions. Good for removing commercials for example. The regions that will be set this way in a movie window will be skpped during playback.
- Movie Segment object for simplified adding many small mpeg files to one Movie object. The mpeg files will be joined during compiling and chapter point will be added at beginning of each segment. (only one audio and no subs in Movie Segment)
- ability to replace video track with new file while keeping the chapters and audio (drag new file to exisiting track and you will be prompted to replace). Note, this way also the chapter thumbnails will be kept the old one.
-Added Light Haze and Bold Color Haze in Menu - Effects
-Added Open last project on the Intro Default Project dialog.
Info and download.