now when i do this am i reducing the quality of the DVD!!!??
caus my mates copy(which he made onto one disc) of pearl harbour and my 2 disc copy!! i can notice the differance!!
he rekons no but the first sceen of Pearl harbour when its shows the clouds and sun , in my copy the sun is a reall intense red and the clouds have yellow reflection on them!! and on his copy the red of the sun is not very rich or intense and the clouds r grey!!! with no yellow reflection at all!!!
so there must be a quality reduction!!!!?????????
have you guys noticed this!!???
DVD2AVI does nothing to cahnge the pic quality, its all to do with waht encoder was used, be it TMPGenc, CCE, Procoder, DVD2One, etc, etc. A 2x DVD will always be better than quality than the movie condenced to fit to 1x dvdr. The longer the movie is the worse the quality becomes as it has to be compressed more. Pear Harbor, The Green Mile, Titanic, The Postman, etc etc are all 3hr + movies and encoding to fit to one DVDr will always have a drop in quality compared to the original.
but is it that bad the reduce of quality because i burned already , truman show , shallows hal , sum of all fears , sings , harts war .top secret and spy game using dvd2one , i saw already only the sum of all fears and the quality was good, very good(including sound- didnt see the rest of them yet ) ?
i hope the lose ofquality is not that bad , or am i wrong ?
DVD2ONe does absolutely nothing to the sound track so should be an exact copy of the original. Yes, dvd2one can make some good copies with minimal reduction in quality. particularly for short movies. But for 3hr + movies, the quality is substantially reduced comapred to the original and substantially reduced if you used CCE to convert the movie. Some people like the result of dvd2one, dvd95copy, etc even on 3hr+ movies but we all have different expectations of what quality is.
And it may make a difference what you are viewing them on. Re-encoded movies on a 19 inch TV may look fine, but when you put them on a 50 inch HDTV... "Hey Dad what are all those squares?" a.k.a pixelation-city.