DVD2SVCD Problem (Please Help)


New member
Hi, im new to converting AVI's to SVCD's and after following a tutorial on vcdhelp, i started trying to use DVD2SVCD. Now, when it gets to the stage where it opens CCE and starts to encode or whatever its doing, it finishes all the passes its needed and then it just stops on the CCE screen with the file information. I close CCE and then try to close DVD2SVCD and it says its still working ?? The screen i mean is here:

http://www24.brinkster.com/sandman2/cce.jpg (u might need to delete the http bit to get it working)

Im using CCE 2.5 btw, so it should be ok without having to use safe mode. Please help :)


New member
That doesnt solve my problem, I have followed the tutorial exactly and tried numerous options, but it still just stops after doing the passes of the video, it gets stuck on screen ( www24.brinkster.com/sandman2/cce.jpg )

This is what appears in the latest part of the log file:

---AVS Begin---
Import("C:\Documents and Settings\HIDDEN\My Documents\SVCD Stuff\DVD2SVCD\Movie\ResampleAudio.avs")
----AVS End----

Please help, the progress bar underneath the log section seems to be at 100% and when i try to close DVD2SVCD it stays its still working, but clearly nothing is happening (i let it go for 7 hours on that screen). I have CCE 2.5 and have applied the patch to stop it giving CRC errors.
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The problem is not with DVD2SVCD or CCE, the problem lies with your AVI.

Check your avi with DivFix and DivXRepair (search for both in this forum). You may also have to may codec installed confusing your system, do you have Nimo Codec or similar paks installed by any chance? If so un-install them and try again.

What is the format of the AVI as reported by GSPOT ? DivX or Xvid ?


New member
Its in divx3 format according to gspot, i checked the avi for errors using virtual dub before i started encoding and there was none found. I also tried encoding using TMPG instead of CCE and that worked ok, but the quality is not as good as i would have hoped, and it took quite a while.

I just tried installing avisynth 2.05 instead of 2.5 to see if that made any difference, but its still stopping after performing 3 passes (ive set it to do 3), it even stops if i just do 1 pass. Could it be my version of CCE or something? :(

Just out of interest, what is supposed to run after CCE has finished ? I seem to get left with a 700meg mpv file and an audio file at this point, could i just run the next program in the sequence manually to combine them perhaps?
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Do you have the DivX3 codec installed then or just 5.05 ? If only 5.05, get the program FourCC Changer from doom9 download section and change the 4CC header to DIVX, then try again.

A remote possibility your CCE has a problem. Try using CCE 2.66.07 (also from doom9 download section) and use eclcce.exe where it askes for the cce executable, see the updated dvd to dvdr Tute for more info there.


New member
Your talking to a complete n00b here, ive got that program, opened my file and theres a "FourCC description code" and a "FourCC used codec", first says "div4", second says "DIV3" (BTW I have divx 5.05 installed)

Please tell me which one to change, thanks :)
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Then I suggest you re-instal your DivX 5.05 codec.

Also, load the avi into VirtualDUB, for Video Compression select DivX5 and bitrate to be a bit bigger than the current file is (a right click/Properties/Summary will tell you in BYTES/sec so x8 for bites/sec) then Save AVI. This will recompress the avi to a true DivX5 leaving the audio untouched.


New member
i just tried doing as you said with a 10 minute segment of the video that i cut off just to test things with, its still doing it :// What runs after CCE? because the process does actually finish and i get the .mpv file etc in my movie folder its just for some reason the next program in the sequence doesnt seem to kick in.

Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate you trying.
SandmanX said:
i just tried doing as you said with a 10 minute segment of the video that i cut off just to test things with, its still doing it :// What runs after CCE? because the process does actually finish and i get the .mpv file etc in my movie folder its just for some reason the next program in the sequence doesnt seem to kick in.

Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate you trying.
bbMPEG is next to run after CCE does its job. But unless the audio file was okay and extracted properly, then bbMPEG will error out also.

As I said at the start, crap made AVI's just will not convert properly. Fix the avi, then re-encoding will be fine.


New member
Using BBMpeg on the mpv and and mp2 file manually has worked! its left me with a test00.mpg file in the bbmpeg directory, is that the finished mpeg ready to be written as an svcd?

Thanks again :D