dvd2svcd conversion avi to dvd error


I tried to convert a .avi file to .dvd using chickenman's tutorial and I ended up with an error. This is twice I try and with the exact same result. Both my video and audio_ts folders are empty. My output folder contains all kinds of files but I don't know what use they are since I was expecting to work with my video_ts folder. Here is first the output in dvd2svcd and then bellow the output displayed in d2sroba

---------------------dvd2svcd screen----------------------------------
- 11/2/2004 3:24:55 AM
- AVI to SVCD Conversion
- AVI2DVD ver. 1.2.2 build 3
WARNING! You seem to be using "Norton Unerase Protection" and
you want to delete the temporary files created by dvd2svcd.
This can cause DVD2SVCD problems. Even though DVD2SVCD deletes
the temporary files, Norton doesn't, therefore DVD2SVCD
might run into diskspace problems. I suggest that you stop the
"Norton Unerase Protection" Service.
- C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\Desktop\ON HER MAJESTY`S SECRET SERVICE\ON_HER_MAJESTYS_SECRET_SERV cd1.AVI
Initializing finished.

- 11/2/2004 3:24:58 AM
- Free on drive C: 54742.97 mb
- AUDIO Extraction
Undoing Nandubs 1152 BlockAlign value to 1
Redoing Nandubs 1152 BlockAlign value
Audio extraction finished.

- 11/2/2004 3:27:27 AM
- Free on drive C: 54664.10 mb
- AUDIO conversion
- 11/2/2004 3:27:37 AM
- Free on drive C: 54664.10 mb
- AUDIO conversion

Converting MP2 to WAV. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\Extracted_audio_1.mpa
Executing MADPlay (mp2 to wav). Commandline:
"C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\MADPlay\madplay.exe" --quiet --output=wave:"C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\Encoded_audio_1.mpa.wav" "C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\Extracted_audio_1.mpa"
Conversion (mp2 to wav) of C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\Extracted_audio_1.mpa finished.

Encoding Audio. Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\Extracted_audio_1.mpa
Executing BeSweet. Commandline:
"C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\BeSweet\BeSweet.exe" -core( -input "C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\Encoded_audio_1.mpa.wav" -output "C:\DOCUME~1\HPAUTH~1\MYDOCU~1\Video\Encoded_audio_1.mpa" -payload -logfile "C:\DOCUME~1\HPAUTH~1\MYDOCU~1\Video\Encoded_audio_1.log" )
Audio conversion of C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\Extracted_audio_1.mpa finished.

Audio conversion finished.

- 11/2/2004 3:33:56 AM
- Free on drive C: 53159.87 mb
- Video Encoding using Cinema Craft

Executing Cinema Craft Encoder.
StreamSectors: 4640997788
AudioSectors: 2324
VideoPAPO: 71891496
ScanOffsetBytes: 154034
SeqAligningBytes: 9789685
DVDBytes: 0
VideoEndHeader: 4
SubtitleSectors: 0
EmptySectors: 238.00
PictureSectors: 0.00
PureMPEGStream: 4559160245.83
Seconds: 4109.56
CalcMPEGStream: 4559160245.83
Frames: 102689
CDSize: 4440.00
Number of CDs: 1
Cut point 4436.00
Variable Settings:
Frames: 102689
Anti Noise Filter: Off
Passes: 3
Image Quality: 17
VAF file creation: On
Video Encoding Mode: One Pass VBR
Q. Factor: 1
Min. bitrate: 200
Max. bitrate: 7200
Aspect Ratio: 4:3 (No borders, encoded as 4:3)

---AVS Begin---
Import("C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\Tylo\RoBaConditional.avs")
Import("C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\ResampleAudio.avs")
----AVS End----

- 11/2/2004 6:43:31 AM
- AVI to SVCD Conversion
- AVI2DVD ver. 1.2.2 build 3
WARNING! You seem to be using "Norton Unerase Protection" and
you want to delete the temporary files created by dvd2svcd.
This can cause DVD2SVCD problems. Even though DVD2SVCD deletes
the temporary files, Norton doesn't, therefore DVD2SVCD
might run into diskspace problems. I suggest that you stop the
"Norton Unerase Protection" Service.
Initializing finished.

- 11/2/2004 6:43:32 AM
- Free on drive C: 49503.57 mb
- Restarting from: Muxing and Cutting
- 11/2/2004 6:43:34 AM
- Free on drive C: 49503.57 mb
- Multiplexing Audio and Video
Executing MPlex. Commandline:
"C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\DVDAuthor\mplex.exe" -f 8 -o "C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\MPlex_Muxed_File00.mpg" "C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\Encoded_Video_CCE_PAL.mpv" "C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\Encoded_audio_1.mpa"
- 11/2/2004 6:43:37 AM
- Free on drive C: 49503.57 mb
- Determining length of audio
Analyzing finished.

- 11/2/2004 6:43:43 AM
- Free on drive C: 49503.57 mb
- Authoring DVD
Executing DVDAuthor. Commandline:
"C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\DVDAuthor\dvdauthor.exe" -x "C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\DVDAuthor.xml"
DVDAuthor failed for unknown reasons!
For details open: "C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\DVDAuthor_log.txt"

-------------d2sroba screen---------------------------------------------
D2SRoBa v3.60, by Tylo
- WIN_XP - AutoIt
- 2004-11-02 03:13:19
- Output type : DVD
- CD size : 4440
- Threshold Q : 36
- Sample size : 1.0%
- Adjust estimated : 1.2%
- Cond. sizing pass : Yes (Encode if opv sz < -2.5%, or > 0.0% oversize, or Q > 40)
- Cond. filtering : If configured, and estim. Q reaches above Threshold Q
- Run mode : Normal
- Waiting for CCE window ...
- Detected a CCE encode window
- Detected the movie encode window - shutting down
- 2004-11-02 03:34:59
- Project dir: C:\Documents and Settings\HP Authorized Custom\My Documents\Video\
- Avisynth setup: LanczosResize
- Configured cond. filter: C:\Program Files\DVD2SVCD\Tylo\RoBaConditional.avs
- D2S ver., CCE ver.
- Movie length : 01:08:27 (102689 frames, 25 fps)
- D2S audio select : 1536 + 0 kbps
- D2S video calc. : 7200 kbps, 1 CDs
- Select ranges : every 1200, select 12 frames
- Sample frames : 1032
- 1 CD: video_br=7200 (7395) audio_br=1536+0 video_sz=3696804000 fill=97.8% cbr=0
- Using num CDs : 1
- Target mpv br : 7200 (max 9000) kbps, size=3696804000 bytes
Search for Q:
- Sample enc. Q=36 : 2773 kbps, err=-61.5%, size=1424019807, sample sz=14311060
- Sample enc. Q=6 : 6671 kbps, err=-7.3%, size=3425418068, sample sz=34424636
- Sample enc. Q=2 : 6893 kbps, err=-4.3%, size=3539417187, sample sz=35570300
- Sample enc. Q=1 : 6917 kbps, err=-3.9%, size=3551631207, sample sz=35693048
- Determined Q : 1 = Round(1 + (-3.9 - 1.2)/0.3)
- 2004-11-02 03:47:44
- Start movie OPV encoding (Q 1)
- OPV pass result: 99.5% on target, 7162 kbps (3677319264 / 3696804000) Speed: 0.39
- 2004-11-02 06:43:25
- Recover DVD2SVCD: Muxing

If anyone can direct me in any fashion it would be greatly appreciated.

Well,im not sure,but you might have a hd problem,couse going in conversion and making a dvd needs a bit more then 4-5 gb-thats for sure.Couse i remember and also you can see that in a log that for example it will convert original audio to wav first,do a conversion,make a image...Simply 4 gb is not enough..So i would suggest that to make some more hd space should be your first step,like 10 gb at least,just to be on the safe side.With this hd size you are good only for avi to svcd :)


I'm not sure why it says I have limited space. I check my hard drive space frequently due to dvd copying and I had guaranteed atleast 40GB space freed up for it. My hard drive currently has atleast that available.
Any other ideas? :eek:
To start with, I'd listen to the warning DVD2SVCD gave:

WARNING! You seem to be using "Norton Unerase Protection" and
you want to delete the temporary files created by dvd2svcd.
This can cause DVD2SVCD problems. Even though DVD2SVCD deletes
the temporary files, Norton doesn't, therefore DVD2SVCD
might run into diskspace problems. I suggest that you stop the
"Norton Unerase Protection" Service.

Secondly, your doing an AVI to SVCD conversion, therefore DVD2SVCD only makes MPEG or Cue/Bin files. A VIDEO_TS folder is only filled when your making a DVD. DVD Auithoring should not be selectable when trying to make a SVCD.


I'll disable my Norton even though the warning is given to save disk space even though I have plenty of it, but you are the expert so I'll take your advice.
#2, I'm not sure why it's producing svcd stuff since I clearly made sure I entered the radio button to the left "avi" and the radio button to the right "dvd". And like I said, I repeated the steps a 2nd time and got the same result. Could there be some other selection box that overides what I checked at the start to produce the svcd results?

thanks for help so far,
fb :)
Is there a Encoded_audio_ 1.mpa file of about 200mb and a Encoded_Video_CCE_PAL.mpv of about 4gb size ? Also is there any MPlex_Muxed_File00.mpg file? Play them if they exist, are they complete from start to finish? If so, then just manually author then in TMPGEnc DVD Author or DVDLab.


I have an Encoded_audio_ 1.mpa which is 770,162 kb.
I have an Encoded_Video_CCE_PAL (extension info shows mpeg, but I guess that has to do with my mpeg player settings)...anyhow this file is 3,591,133 kb.
Both this audio and video files are complete.

I did not find however any MPlex_Muxed_File00.mpg file.

How should I proceed or can you tell me why I didn't get the proper output since I did select avi to dvd?

fb :) :)
I'd suggest you convert your Audio to AC3 (see the separate tutorial on how to use FFMpeg to do that) and simply manually author this new AC3 with your Encoded_Video_CCE_PAL.mpv file with TMPGEnc DVD Author or DVDLab, both have a free 30day trial available.