DVD XCopy Xpress Help


New member
On Some DVD's when I try to burn them using DVD XCopy Xpress or platinum it will read 75% of the disc and then Jam. Any Ideas as to what could be causing this and any solutions? Your help is greatly appreciated.
Are the DVD new, used, scratched??:confused: I would guess you have a scratched or a finger print on the disc.
littlrey99 said:
i checked it by looks and i'm using a lite on LDW411S
I have a friend that just bought the 411s, and he could burn movies using DVD X copyXpress, but the movie would only play for like 20 min then lock up.
I recommended he get Nero 6 and try that, and this way you can try burning at 2.4x and that resolved his issues. He uses DVD shrink to Author the DVD, then Nero 6 to Write to DVD video and that seems to get the job done.

I am using DVD X Copy Platinum...
Even its dirty or scratched... even if its perfectly clean... why does it lock up....


Well the answer is some DVD movies are protected... to bypass that use DVD X Rescue, which come bundled with the platinum version... It will rip to HDD bypass protection, and best of all if its scratched or dirty fingerprints it will pass...
