You don't have to wait for the standard. At this time there are 2 standards ( - and + ) but it really doesn't matter what choice you make. If at the end the + will be the winning team, just buy a new writer because the price of a burner will probably lower than todays prices. You don't have the same cd-burner as 8 years back right ?
In my opinion the - is the better choice at this time because of the media prices and compatibility, but you can choose for + if you want to. In time the + format will also have better compatibility as new compatible desktop-players will hit the market.
That's for the standard.
At this time the writers are not very fast. They'll become faster, but most media isn't of that quality that you can burn at high speed. But that also will be better, look at the cdr-quality. In was also very bad in the beginning and at this time there are better dvdrs than there were cdrs at that time.
So everything will be better
I would go for a dvd-burner. It a hell of lot better video-quality than all others. And you can use it as a data-disc too !