DVD to DVDR Tutorial has also been updated

For those still doing quality backups of their DVD's, I have updated the DVD to DVDR Tute at http://www.cdrbase.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=146627#post146627

Whats new:

1. A number of fine tuning adjustments made. and extra notes.

2. Some Pictures now included for better clarity of the process.

3. Added NOTE 3 on how to do a simple Menu in Maestro

4. Added how to join 2 sides or 2 dvd's together to encode to one dvdr

5. Fixed a few typos and probably introduced more.

Got a problem with DVDMaestro and the above guide...
I set the Aspect Ratio to 16:9(letterbox) but when i check the new created .ifo with WinDVD in VIDEO_TS folder , the picture it"s more wider and it"s refered as 4:3 !
When i author the .mpv, .ac3, .sup, txt files with IfoEdit 0.95 the apsect-ratio is fine...
By the way, what"s the other option 16:9 LB/PS ?
There are a few dvd's that have an aspect ratio of 4:3 bit include black bqands top and botton. Theres are NOT 16:9 aspect ration but 4:3 with added black. So in Maestro, select 4:3 and they come out correct.

The 19:9 LB/PS is short for LetterBox/Pan & Scan. Stay clear of this as although its a dvd standard, I'm not aware of any commercial DVDR set for P&S. A P&S plays fine on a widescreen TV but plays fullscreen with left & right chopped off on a normal 4:3 TV.
Thanks!,...will try it out tonight.
The DVD is "The Painist" PAL, Greek edition and on the box(also in WinDVD) says it"s a 16:9...
When you play it in WinDVD and not in full screen mode, I assume there are no black bars top and bottom? If this is so, then it is a 16:9.

Its "defenitely" a 16:9, then in DVD2SVCD make sure you select Anamorphic (encode as 16:9) and in Maestro set it to 16:9 and it will come out correct.
When you play it in WinDVD and not in full screen mode, I assume there are no black bars top and bottom? If this is so, then it is a 16:9.
U r right! no black bars...

Its "defenitely" a 16:9, then in DVD2SVCD make sure you select Anamorphic (encode as 16:9)
In DVD2SVCD i left it to "16:9 (borders added, encoded as 4:3)".
I think that "Anamorphic (no borders,encode as 16:9) is for watching it on a 16:9 TV-set. Little bit confused now...

"...Option 3: Anamorphic, no borders added, encoded as 16:9. This is the new option on 1.0.8b1. What this does is encode at full vertical resolution but put a marker on the disc just like the original DVD to tell your player that it is 16:9. Therefore if you set up your DVD player saying you have a widescreen TV, the DVD player outputs at full vertical resolution but if you set it for a 4:3 TV the player does the squashing up and adding of black bars. So you get the best of both worlds - perfect playback on either TV type.

The only problem is that it appears most standalone DVD players are incompatible with this new option and picture distortion results. .Either which way, there is no need to resort to uninstalling this build and reinstalling an earlier version. If the 16:9 anamorphic option doesn't work for you simply don't use it! The other two options are exactly as per previous builds..".

That"s from FAQ from DVD2SVCD forum.
Hope you don't mind ChickenMan, but I converted your tut to pdf and made some spelling, grammar corrections too.
All the links to sites/downloads are still active and I've made sure your name is top and bottom too.
If you have any objections, please delete and sorry for taking liberties. Cheers, Tommy.


VILLA21 said:
The only problem is that it appears most standalone DVD players are incompatible with this new option and picture distortion results.
What a load of crap ! 90% of ALL DVD's sold today are 16:9 Anamorphic and play perfectly on older 4:3 and the newer 16:9 TV's. Thats the whole point of chosing this format. There are very few 16:9 movies on DVD's encoded as 4:3 and those that are this way tend to hve been released many years ago.

Check your DVD Player setup amd make sure you have it set to the type of TV you have, not the type of movies your playing. If you have it at 16:9 and you have a 4:3 TV then just about anything can happen to the picture on playback. Its not a problem of your DVD2SVCD setup, but of your DVD Player setup.

@Tommy, no probs, thanks. Yep I must get use to using a spell checker :D
Thanks but I dont use IE, I use Mozilla. I have more spell checkers than most, my problem is getting around to actually useing them.
What a load of crap ! 90% of ALL DVD's sold today are 16:9 Anamorphic and play perfectly on older 4:3 and the newer 16:9 TV's. Thats the whole point of chosing this format. There are very few 16:9 movies on DVD's encoded as 4:3 and those that are this way tend to hve been released many years ago.
Thanks, again!! will try again to encode with "Anamorphic (no borders,encode as 16:9)" this time, as soon as i have free time.
Now it"s quite clear,
think that there is a misunderstanding in this FAQ"s forum. Most of people using D2SVCD to make SVCD"S so the "16:9 (borders added, encoded as 4:3)" option is suitable for them for a 16:9 movie.
Recently lot of users turn to DVD creation, so the "Anamorphic (no borders,encode as 16:9)" is the right option for a DVD creation.

Right?...if so, then report to admin of the Forum to make a note for this "issue"...:)
trying to anormorph an svcd is never going to work.
480x480 into 16:9 is a no no.
But as u have gathered its a dvd tut! :D
Absolutely, we are talking DVD here, not SVCD. Read my DVD to SVCD Tute as well as the DVD to DVDR Tute, they may use the same program (DVD2SVCD) to do all the work, but all very different settiongs and requirements.

As Deveml said, you NEVER ever choose Anamorphic for a SVCD unluss you own a 16:9 TV ans they will not playback properly on a normal 4:3 TV.
Hello chicken man. New to the Forumn and would like to learn about DVD to DVDR. Tried to access your tute but I get a message saying I haven't got access.

Can you assist?

ChickenMan said:
For those still doing quality backups of their DVD's, I have updated the DVD to DVDR Tute at http://www.cdrbase.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=146627#post146627

Whats new:

1. A number of fine tuning adjustments made. and extra notes.

2. Some Pictures now included for better clarity of the process.

3. Added NOTE 3 on how to do a simple Menu in Maestro

4. Added how to join 2 sides or 2 dvd's together to encode to one dvdr

5. Fixed a few typos and probably introduced more.
