DVD Shrink


New member
I am at the stage where I want certain parts on my backup DVD, I just want the main screen and chapter seletion and of course the movie. Can this be done in Shrink, if so how, if not are there any other programs that will do it? Freeware or buy?


I am backing up a DVD in my collection, when I put it through shrink it tells me that the movie is 3,564MB perfect 1 dvd, I re-author it so I just have the movie and click no compression and it puts it up to 5,953MB? If I do it automatic settings taking out unessary audio it puts it to 69% is this correct cheers!!

Cheers in advance!
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the only transcoders that can strip unwanted parts of the dvd while maintaining the original menus are CloneDVD and InstantCopy.
yep, those figures sound just about right :)

the 3564MB will just be the video of the main movie and may not include the audio as thats another figure in the window

There is a method to create a Movie only with Menu & Chapter selection using DVDShrink but it may not work for every DVD as it depends on the structure

Nero Recode, InstantCopy & IV DVDCopy also have title removal features along with transcoding features. Some have better removal options than some regarding menu's or playing back blanks. As to which is best for you will all depend on your requirements and the standalone you use to play the DVD's back on as some have issues with removal of items.

You could also use DVDStripper (£5/$9/€8) to strip the DVD of absolutely anything right down to Cell level by automating the long manual process normally used by most. It isn't a transcoder but you can process the results afterwards with DVDshrink so for next to nothing you can create cutomized DVD's the way you want

You can use Menuedit afterwards to remove the dead links if required. It also has cell removal features but it needs to be done manually


New member
Thanks for the advice, I have CloneDVD but just looks like a simple copying program? (See Image)

As for DVDStipper I will have to try that and see how it goes, cheers again for the advice its much appreciated!!

I sorted out the problem with the large files, I was trying to backup The Matrix but didn't realise until yesterday that Title 1 is "the main" part of the film and is the only file you need to watch the whole movie. Cheers

Liam, UK

