DVD Shrink 3.2 Error

Using DVD Decrypter ( to rip all the files to the HD and then DVD Shrink to back it up to ISO or DVD files I get an error. :confused: I never got this before and I riped it again and when I did it again I got the same error. I reinstalled shrink and I'm still having the same problem. :eek:


Wow this stinks!!! I was reading over at Digital Video Forums and it turns out I'm not the only one with this problem and it turns our the fix is to go back to 3.17.:eek: Well so far its working but I don't think this the answer.
I hope its just a bug that can be fixed. :)
After I unchecked different languages and then I go to back it up with shrink. Its starts and then the error and stops.:eek: :(