dvd rip problems

Hi all , ime trying to rip a dvd-r copy of ghost ship , but smartripper keeps coming up with a certain file cant be unlocked.
When i try to skip it ( ingnore ) it comes up with all sorts of problems and closes.
Any ideas , ive also tried it with dvd decrypter, and nero but still no luck , it plays fine as well in my stand alone and on my pc , can`t understand it ?

the disk is spottless , i just tried it again and smartripper comes up with the following/ message ( some files are still locked, try to unlock with a player ) ? wot does this mean ?
When i try to ignore the read error smartripper comes up with ( cannot change visible in on show or on hide ) again i got a clue .
thanks ......
put the disc in the pc and play the first minute or so with windvd or powerdvd. close the player down. start decryptor. it should rip.
hi , have just tried it in power dvd plays perfectly .
Tried to rip it with dvd decryper and got a load of error messages inc ( i/0 error!. device (3:1:0) pioneer dvd dvd-r 1031.65
aspi srb status OxO4 interpritation srb with error
gettin on my wick now cant understand why it wont rip it sais no protection is detected
i am using my pioneer a03 to rip it with .
ive aslo tried it on my toshiba dvd rom and the same thing is happening .
it`s really annoying as the film plays perfectly from beginning to end.
ime not sure but i think it`s a region 1 rip but it comes up as saying all region dvd .
Thanks a lot for your quick responses and help .
hi poacher , i have checked my aspi and it reads 4.60.
Is this ok ? iam running win millenium ed and has never let me down before.
Can`t understand this disk at all just will not read to hard drive , yet plays perfectly on standalone and on my pc.
4.60 IS the one to use

How big is the movie file ME cannot handle Files over 4 GB (Fat 32)
U need 2000 or XP to use NT file system (NTFS) >> this could be your problem
Try using SmartRipper instead of DVD Decrytpter. but in File mode rip every file off to a VIDEO_TS folder and then burn back with Nero.
thanks chickenman but smartripper was the first software i tried as its my prefered method,it comes up with file still locked cant unlock a file and then when you try to ignore it it goes off on one and packs up all together.
cant understand it as is sais on dvd decrypter that it is not protected ....????