DVD Region-Free

I downloaded DVD Region-Free v.1 from /www.dvdidle.com.They claim it works on RPC2 DVDs. Anyone try it yet? Also need Serial, please.
Key May not work !!!


Try this above site. The best thing to do is crack your DVD-ROM
firmware version. Crack RPC-2 = Region locked drive.
You have to read, how to update the firmware DVD-ROM.

If you make a mistake, that's it. Your DVD-ROM cannot be used.
Read carefully all the steps they told your to do so.

Good Luck.
you have to crack your dvd drive AND the programme you use to watch dvds. I had to crack my toshiba drive as well as crack my hollywood plus decoder software using universal selector/remote selector/zone selector.
DVD Regionfree

I actually paid for this as I thought it was a good piece of software. I tried it on my Compaq DVD drive for which there is no firmware update and it worked a treat with POwerDVD. Dunno how it works but it certainly bypasses the region code and also works with RCE discs. It probably takes the vobs as data and decodes them before passing to the player..