dvd-ram lf-d201u by Panasonic

Does anyone know if I can dup a dvd onto this dvd-ram drive? It's made by Panasonic/Matsushita and it seems I can only do data writes on the 4.7B/9.2GB disks that I can but for $30/3 disks from my local computer store. I was hoping to use it as a dvd archival drive but it seems all the dvd authoring tools only discus dvd-r/dvd-rw drives and not this nice lf-d201u scsi-4 drive. I have it hanging off of a 29160n card.

Any help would be appreciated...btw..the drive cost me $500 when I bought it 7 months ago.

panasonic dvd-ram

I also have a panasonic dvd-ram drive and since it's one of the first models to come out it only supports dvd-ram and not any of the other dvd media. If you want to do dvd authoring and create some movies dvd-ram isn't the right media. Even if it could be done there aren't any dvd players that support dvd-ram, for now. So were stuck just using it for backup purposes. Also,Try pricewatch to see if you can get the media cheaper.
thanks blane....I thought the price for the media was resonable...a 4 pack for 30 bux....hmmm..I'll poke around more. I think the box that te drive came with was purporting that it can do dvd backups..but it turns out it only backs up oter dvd-ram disks...oh well. Also..they mention that the udf 2.0 that is supports can be used for video....I wonder wat that translates to...

thanks much
It's probably for any video that you have on your computer that you want to back up, but can only be viewed through that drive.