dvd-r on playstation 2 working without chip

my friend made a backup of a dvd to a dvd-r and it worked on the ps2 i copyed that backup using my regular blank dvd-r it worked as well.but all my other backups wont work on the ps2. Can any1 tell me if they no how to get dvd-r workin on a ps2 without a chip. thanks
ive had a strange thing, my parents bought me and my bro a ps2 for christmas BRAND NEW from currys i think and it play dvd-r, havent tried copied games yet, its really cool !
Dvd video backups should be able to play fine on ps2s but if you mean games then the best way to go is with a modchip
all correctly made film DVDr's (that stick to the dvd compliant standards!) will work no problems on a ps2 console as the console cannot tell that its not a real DVD movie in the drive they also work on an X-BOX but as with a real DVD in an X-BOX playback simply is not possible without the REMOTE EYE plugin and REMOTE unless the X-BOX is chipped/modified whereas a ps2 does not as you can use the pad for controlling it :)