DVD-R Backup A/R2


New member
Guys I am going crazy. I have a PS2 with an Action Replay 2, no mod chip and am using the knife swap trick. This has always worked fine with my CDR backups but on my new DVD Burner I can only get Crash Nitro to Boot using the Dave Mirra Method. Whats even more strange is my original copy of simpsons Hit and Run with not boot using theis method using the original Disk. I have tried Fifa 2002 and Resident Evil Code Veronica for the TOC.
I am using a Sony DVD Burner, DVD Decryptor to get the image and burn and am using Verbatium DVD-R on the Backups. I have started reading about Safe Disk2 and Securom. Does that have anything to do with it?

Any help would be great
The Quays
Hi thequays, Welcome to our forum! :)

sorry, i don't have knowledge in console stuff; please stay a little bit patient, the experts will surely find and reply your question;

but what knowledge i can provide at the moment is, that SafeDisc and Securom are copy protections for PC games only and not applied for consoles;

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Greetings from


The game with the largest TOC is Devil May Cry. How long you say you've been using the knife trick?

Knife trick=bad. It's like taking a sledge hammer and beating the life out of ur tray!


New member
Thanks for that Duracell

I have been using the Knife trick for abput 1 year with no problems, I had to use this method because me PS2's tray had been damaged and wouldnt eject properly.


thequays said:
Thanks for that Duracell

I have been using the Knife trick for abput 1 year with no problems, I had to use this method because me PS2's tray had been damaged and wouldnt eject properly.
You had a busted CD tray and u continued to do the knife trick?!? If your tray gets busted (which it shouldn't because you shouldn't be sticking things into it) then you're suppose to take it to sum1 who can fix it. Not make the problem worse!