DVD Menu -two or more chapters on a button


New member
Please I have a problem
I am Authoring a DVD using DVD lab and have Five Chapters in my movie
When I make Menu I would Like to give Three buttons
Button 1 Plays all chapetrs in sequence
Button 2 Plays Chapter 1 Chapter 2 and Chapter 5
Button 3 Plays Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter4 and Chapter 5

Is this possible also is it possible to link more than one button to a chpater
Like Button 4 is linked to Chapter 5and Chapter 6 and then Chapter 1

I could link only one chapter to One button I do not want to cut the movie in to different parts

I know that people could program individual chapters on their DVD player
But I want to make kind of presentation which people easily navigate
Thank you
I dont use DVDLab enough to know it it can be done or not. However it defenitely can be done in DVDMaestro. Its a bit advanced but you need to use Playlists. Read the Help file or Manual on how to use them. Basically you load the video, audio & chapters. Then pit the Playlist button and select the individual chapters you want for each Playlist. In the menu, just point the button to which ever Playlist you want. Read the DVD to DVDR Tutorial on how to use Maestro and set up a Menu.


New member
This is Great Thanks a Lot

This is is great I am also not such a fan of DVD Lab But I started using DVD Lab because it allows me directly import VOB files so I can take VOBs directly I tried many other Authoring solutions but they say wrong format,
This is good idey because I do not spend time and I thought if I converts VOBs back to MPEG-2 there will be quality loss and also time.
My problem is I am making training videos on DVD from already exixting VHS tapes these are directly recorded on high tech recording machines without computer but these videos have a very rudimentry menu. My task is to make the DVD menu with nice background plus different Buttons using random sequences of chapter.
So this is the first time I got this intilligent suggestion by you I have read so many forums an all or focusing mainly on menu animation and how many titles one can have..
So I will try this only question is does Maestro takes VOB files directly for authoring? Your advise will be greatly appreciated
Maestro will NOT import VOB files, they must be the individual Video & Audio streams. Just simply demux the VOB's manually first with MPEG-VCR (from www.womble.com) if a single vob file but if its vob set then then use SmartRipper or vStrip to demux them out. I'm sure there are others that can do it just as well. It will best to convert the audio to AC3 for greatest dvd playback compatability (see the Tute section). Make you Menu as JPG file in PaintShop Pro/Photoshop/etc/etc first. Either do a screen dump of your existing menus and go drom there or just start from scratch.

DVDLab is a great program, really one of the best out there but is still relatively simple compared to Maestro & Scenarist.

I'm officially on holidays so sorry but dont expect quick answers from me for a couple of weeks. Sorry about that but above should be enough to get you going.


New member
Thank You

Thank you very much This is already lot to experiment with
I have few questions when you come back but they are not urgent
1. Will demuxing affect the lip synchronisation
2. I have read that demuxing will not degrade the video quality it only seperates the audio video streams
3. My DVD on which I want to work already has chapter points How do I delete these chapters
4. Demuxing will add time factor because it takes time to demux

But these are not urgent questions and I am already happy for so much material to experiment with


New member

Thanks ChickenMan You are a real master
This worked out really great I am happy I could make really complex menus with this tip about playlist, I dont think any other DVD authoring program has such a facility.
Only thing is that I cannot directly assign a full playlist to a single button I have to attach the first action of a particular playlist to a buttton and then manipulate the end action of that chapter so that it plays another chapter as desired by me..
This was cool
Thank you again
Glad to hear it all worked out for ya, Maestro is a powerful authoring tool used by Hollywood. There is not much it cant do really.