DVD Media ID list - a big one!

Need to know the ID of DVD media before you buy it?

Well, of course the media code and composition COULD change, but this list may help.


Some codes are not included yet - looks like I struck lucky with a pack of Intenso DVD+R 1-8x - as it seems to be media that Liteons are happy with at 8x - and it speedhacks to 12x - Prodisc R03

I was Also tempted by Datasafe DVD+R 4x - RicohJPN R01 - which, unless i'm reading the codeguys "recommended" tweak wrong, is tweaked all the way to 12x - treated as R02 - but this was cheaper, and it was one of the best medias on the 8x Liteon - I'll get set up, push it hard, and go back to the guy to stock up, preferably if there's a discount.