DVD MAgic not working?


New member
I am totally new to this stuff, so have a simple question. I have tried to deselct some titles in IC with the help of ICHSE (DVD Magic), but it simply won't let me deselct the titles I want to get rid of. I have the OEM bundle version of IC (something with xxx.xxx..xxx.142 in the end).
I just go the new LOTR and wanted to strip some unnecessary stuff to increase the quality of the film itself. Many thanks for your help!
slarikus said:
I am totally new to this stuff, so have a simple question. I have tried to deselct some titles in IC with the help of ICHSE (DVD Magic), but it simply won't let me deselct the titles I want to get rid of. I have the OEM bundle version of IC (something with xxx.xxx..xxx.142 in the end).
I just go the new LOTR and wanted to strip some unnecessary stuff to increase the quality of the film itself. Many thanks for your help!
Hi slarikus!

welcome to the forum!
can you be a bit more precise on that, whats your exact version of InstantCopy, does ICHSE confirm that DVDMagic is set (when you get the settings from the registry , is dvdmagic set ?). Cant you deselect any vts or only certain ones.

For best possibilitys to help you simply provide the information from ICHSE Feature Checks 'Copy to Clipboard' function aswell.
