dvd encoded with tempenc now have error in nero

can someone help me out
i have encoded movie Dances with Wolves, encoded with tempenc after 12hrs, everyhting works ok until i try to burn
Nero coems up with a box telling me that fiel isnt Video Cd compliant and will have to reencode and then burn

this has happened with a few of my encodings, what is wrong.
How can i fix this problem?

Please help

oh Dear, thanks chickenman
now looks like i have to re-encode the movie or can i get nero to do it?

Also which way do you prefer to convert a dvd, using this method or dvd2svcd. Remebering i have to have something simple

well thanks for trying to help me out,
i re encoded the movie with dvd2svcd, changed the bitrate and all is working great

hadnt done a movie in ages and forgot how! Thanks again
