DVD Decrypter 3 Problems


New member
I have the lastest release of dvd decryptor I believe. When I try to backup my dvds, I get a I/O error. I am using Pioneer 107 with latest 112 firmware. Can someone please help me out.


Latest firmware is actually 1.13 (Japanese site)

Have had absolutely no problems with latest DVD Decrypter reading or rupping dvd's. Try giving the DVD a good clean.
I also have the same problem from time to time using my Sony DRU500A copying a dvd to an image then writing it to a blank. Ive been using Memorex 4X DVD-R's, and the only way so far Ive found to stop this from happening is once the image is made, is to exit the program, restart it, then do the write, so I think there just may be a bug in the app, but have no clue as to what.


Not that it helps but I've got DVD Decrypter which I use to remove CSS then I use InterVideo DVD copy2 Platinum to burn the files to DVD

No problems at all.

Also good DVDr +and- are


DVDRW +and-

I've no problems with these DVD if you intrested.
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sense errors are usually related to media as far as i can remember !? same sorta issues/errors arise with CDR burning try a different media or burn slower possibly !?
I/O error message

elec999 its not you or the program......i had simalar i/o problem also with dvd dcryptor....its the disk you are trying to copy,,,,,,,get another copy of the same movie and try again..the movie has bad sectors in it.when played it will probably be choppy at certain points and freeze here and there :D I try same movie different disc and no problems ;)
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