DVD Cloner V1.83

Anyone used this program with any results,I just tried to Clone
Spiderman and the end result was I DVD-R with just the opening
intro,not even 2 mins worth,stick 2 my old software I think.:mad: :mad:
It may due to the Pxxxx software. I guess still have bugs. You can try DVDXCopy. I have made a few copy's of my DVDs.
xoltana said:
sorry dude,it wasnt a request even if others see it that way.:rolleyes:
The admin trying to say that, no words on < Req >, < Crack >, < Patch >, < Key > etc...all this cannot be used any more.
Use DVDsplit and DVDburn by Derrow the original creator of IFO EDIT ,and it only cost $25.00 versus the $99.00 cost of DVDxCopy ,the program makes perfect copies fo dvd -9 into DVD -5 also youll get new updates at least once a week with new features

more info here http://ifoedit.wh.fr0zen.com/dvdsplit.html

Derrow has joined 321 studio team to help them with there program
DVD SPLIT is way cool ,3 updates to the program in one week , yes It gives you the option to include extras ,if there is room enough on 2 dvd-5 discs , I copied riegn of fire dvd with dvd split and retained 2 of the 3 extra sections and they worked