dvd back up


New member
ok here is the q trying to copy my sacraface dvd , uses dvd decrypt. movie only, then in dvd shrink file is still like at 70% said and done will picture still look good, also tried dvd fab and vob blocker same results in shrink, am i missing something here, and im not sure if this post if even in right forum, thanks, bignight
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New member
hi, no i backed it up with dvd decrytper, tries to didff. ways to shrink it both came out the same at end in size burn with clone dvd, around 70%, 30% compression and movie doesnt play that great, kinda choppy all my others look good at about 10% compression

i ended up just splitting full movie to 2 disks with no compression
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So why did you post in DVDEasy section and not just DVD Video Encoding/Conversion/ Editing? Incase you didn't know it but DVDEasy is a program.
I'll move it for you but next time please take the time out to post in the correct section.:)
THREAD MOVED TO CORRECT AREA! @bignight PLEASE try post in the CORRECT area then you will appropriate the CORRECT responses ....DVDREASY and TFM are dedicated forum areas for just BOTH those programs ...not everything else :)