DVD and Roxio 6 problems


New member
I have been using Spruce Up an early basic DVD authoring pgm - with no problems.
Today I encoded to mpg2 from Premiere time line - same as always and created a DVD with Roxio 6.

It played back ok on simulation
would not play at all on Xbox
played back on PC (from DVD) erraticly and no counter indication
played back on free standing DVD player erraticly and no counter indication.

I then used the same mpeg2 files with Spruce Up - no problems with any of the above - counter counts time

I have not downloaded any Roxio 6 updates - does any one else know about this.

WinXP pro -
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The-poacher <<>> Super Moderator :p

Re Roxio 6 never had the need to put such bloat/crap ware on my PC

Spruce altough dated is a quite good authoring proggy but I now use DVD Lab & our movie guru Chickenman favours DVD Maestro then DVD lab

My advice would be to just bin the Roxio!