Hi Cheeser,
I think Poko deserves the respect of all the members of this and the other forums he visit or moderate. I see him as an institution with a lot of experience. And yes, I Consider you too lazy, NOT DUM, but LAZYYYYYY. The link works, the problem is that you try one time it didn't catch and yoou assumed it was dead. For your information, I just tried to download the first file and it catched after a minute trying with Reget. Just let the damn download managers try for at least 3 to 5 minutes, if it doesn't catch the link, then it is dead. Nowadays, almost all servers are saturated and you have to be patience, Something that nowadays many people is missing.
I'm not ofending you, I just make a remark, as Poko wanted to do, but maybe he used the wrong expression. I don't agree always with Him, but he has his way of thinking and I respect his way of thnking, like I hope he respects mine, yours and other people way of thinking.
Keep it cool and lets make this place, aplace where people find information and have fun.