Drive Image 2002 (vr6)

Any 1 know where to get a patch for the trial version, or where to download a full version.. not from Fosi, as the link is dead :(
:) :cool: :)

Just for anyone who is interested and who it might help.

You can usually allmost all the time get to FOSI useing the following address:



:) :cool: :)
Anyone got a live link for driveimage 2002 i'd like to try it out but all these links are dead.

Thanks a bunch Cheeser
Try This

post edited no leeching from other sites post a link to the site only.

pass for rar: w*
Thank's for the replies,but none work and i am far from DUM & LAZY,maybe you should keep these replies to yourself i come to this site because of it's Information, not only download's!!!
Hi Cheeser,

I think Poko deserves the respect of all the members of this and the other forums he visit or moderate. I see him as an institution with a lot of experience. And yes, I Consider you too lazy, NOT DUM, but LAZYYYYYY. The link works, the problem is that you try one time it didn't catch and yoou assumed it was dead. For your information, I just tried to download the first file and it catched after a minute trying with Reget. Just let the damn download managers try for at least 3 to 5 minutes, if it doesn't catch the link, then it is dead. Nowadays, almost all servers are saturated and you have to be patience, Something that nowadays many people is missing.

I'm not ofending you, I just make a remark, as Poko wanted to do, but maybe he used the wrong expression. I don't agree always with Him, but he has his way of thinking and I respect his way of thnking, like I hope he respects mine, yours and other people way of thinking.

Keep it cool and lets make this place, aplace where people find information and have fun.


El-Matador Once again i'm saying i'm not stupid or lazy i'v been around awhile and i know how to work the internet and understand how slow thing's can be ,i did not try once only,the site connects but the file link is dead !Please learn the facts before calling me lazy ,you don't know me and don't assume fact's before you start yapping off!!!!!!!!
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Hi again mate, talking seriously, the link is working. I downloaded the software 2 or 3 days ago from there and before I posted the previuos post I cheched the first file and it engadged after more or less a minute. I really don't understand your problem because just retried file01 to file10 and they all engadged, after some time, but they engadged. If you use Getright I would sugest you change it to Reget or Flashget, because Getright tells you in 80% of the cases the file isn't there.

And sorry for the Lazy Remark, because what I ment was "lazy" to indicate that you were inpatience.

I Hope you can download the software, because it's the only link that is working for now from a bunch of almost 20 sites I know.

Good Luck,

Thank you for the reply and information i will try with get right and see what happen's,i'am not in a hurry for the software ,i will get it sooner or later,maybe the Canadian Government is cutting me off. lolo

Hi Guys,

I have tried all the links here - Fosi is up, but the download link to Driveimage is circular and just reloads the main page - all the others appear to be dead (OK, I will admit to being a little new to this, but do understand how to check a link).

Anyone got an alternative live link? Please?
Hi corkey....just checked KaZaA...plenty of sources online.
Nearly all are from the fosi retail fo-di60....wzor has NovaStor InstantRecovery 3.01 Multi OS....check it out
Cheers from Down Under
the problem with fosi's links is, you can't download if you have an empty referrer. you have to reveal the referrer to fosi's anti-leech script, otherwise you can't download. if your referrer is empty, then I assume you've hidden it, and know how to reveal it. maybe you are using an anonymising programme or something, which hides your referrer.

ok, try this, it should work:

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Thanks guys,

I forgot about the XP firewall - ooops!

Viking44, I haven't any knowledge about Kazaa - could you fill in a relative newbie?

Hi again,

Tried Kazaa, but the download of the setup file keeps falling over at 98% <grr>

Also tried the sfnet link, but that is always kicking me out with a busy message <sigh>

I know it's on Vdown, but that is one busy site - ah well, I'll keep trying ;-)