Drive Access Failure

I have a strange problem with CD drives under XP which has come and gone for a while now. Whenever I have 2 cd drives in my computer, my DVD ROM (pioneer slot loading, can't remember model number) there are access problems, applications can't be run from the drive (installers, autoloaders) and apps requireing the drive fail. Does anyone know what this (vague) problem is?
check the jumpers on the back of both rom drives and make sure they are not both set to the same settings of master as this can cause major headaches
... or your antivirus settings- it's likely that the on access scanner wants to scrutinize the CD contents before allowing you to use them.
I got strange problem with my CD/DVD burners too. Very often I can not refresh contents, you know - I browse one CD/DVD and when I try to browse another one I got contents of previous one, no chance to refresh it with F5 or with "Refresh" command, till I restart my PC. Any idea? THX :)
Am I wrong? I'm not speaking about Autorun, I've disabled it cause I don't like it. You think that disabled autorun can make me problems with refreshing contents?
jasmin said:
Am I wrong? I'm not speaking about Autorun, I've disabled it cause I don't like it. You think that disabled autorun can make me problems with refreshing contents?
Definitely yes, if you have the XP burning engine or any other packet writer active. Or the opposite of that, if you use e.g. vmware. It simply depends on the software you have installed. BTW I also prefer AIN turned off.
XP burning engine died a long ago at my PC (as soon as I installed XP), no packet writers anymore (used DirectCD but uninstalled it long ago too). Everything was OK till that starts, few weeks ago. And I have not installed any new burning app since last summer I think :confused:
Now did you tried AIN? check the filter entries too and post the values here;

the filters are listed there:
Do you still use Roxio software? (cdralw2k). It does need AIN turned on, most of the times.
Plus entries from Pxhelper, Padus, Clone CD/DVD, Gear... all of them together may be too much.


Gold Member
If you don´t find a gear application then search for Powerquest Driveimage.

Driveimage 7 (maybe other versions too) installs the gearaspi and the gear burning engine.

And i would uninstall CD-Cremator/WinOnCD ;)
@ Master

Never got Powerquest Driveimage installed and long time ago I installed only DirectCD & SoundStream from ECDC package, uninstalled it 2 years ago.


Gold Member
Maybe the ecdc package left the roxio driver in the windows/system32/drivers folder.

For the gear driver i have no other solution.
I think cdral2k also comes with the beta versions of Windows Crapola Player 10 (not sure, never used it). It was also a driver for WMP 9, but not anymore, AFAIK.
Powerquest and new Symantec recovery applications use the Gear device driver, and it may also be used by other apps I'm not aware of.
The old Prassi pxhelper comes from various apps, even Winamp 5 professional.
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I got WMP v9.0.0.2980 installed but never used it, hmm, Winamp Pro v5.02 too. And I rarely use it too, I like jetAudio Plus - it's my favourite player. Well, maybe it's time to make a new, fresh install, what do you think? :p


Gold Member
If you install the same software again then perhaps you will get the same problems again.
It would be better to know which software will bring the problems to your computer.