downloading with adsl

Hello folks right i'm having my adsl activated in the next couple of days (hurrrrray). downloading warez form dodgey web sitez can i be done for this (i presume it's ilegal) how do i download without getting done is there some sort of software i need so i can't be tracked...i have always just downloaded stuff on 56k connection without any will my isp (pipex) cut me off if i download dodgey stuff from dodgey sitez or is it upto me???
i understand a good firewall is needed i have sygate and zonealarm and blackice are these the best?????i presume i need one of them??????

please help


flyby out.......
Same Here

I'm sure it's possible for you ISP to monitor connectionz etc but I've never had any issues with downloading warez etc. I wouldn't like to guess the amount of stuff I've d/l in the last 14mths :D

Agree with Joripe about the "usual" warez sites that the porn pop ups can be a pain. Some of the recommended sites on this forum have good software and some are even porn free ;)

For my own "security", I use Sygate FW, AVAST32 AV (thread posted by Poko recently), Tiny Trojan Trap, Ad-Watch and AdSubtract. Between these apps you can filter out just about any rubbish your PC picks up on the way and keep the hackers at bay.

I'd also recommend you get a copy of Drive Image Pro or Norton Ghost and make a clone of your PC BEFORE you go surfing. With the amount of S/W you'll be installing, it becomes a fairly regular event rebuilding you PC :)

I havent got DSL as yet but i do know some isp's do sometimes limit your download speed or cap it to stop bandwidth hogging :( or in english over use heheh!! and some also limit you in a 24 hr period of how much data you are allowed to download :( another little drawback is that some are ratio dsl with as much as 50:1 users per modem thats 50 users to 1 modem at there end so depending on time of day it may be super fast or it may not reach max speed !? this will vary on who you are with (isp) and other factors!

One thing that seems clear is that with almost all DSL providers is that THAT IT IS!!!!.... A REQUIREMENT TO HAVE A FIREWALL INSTALLED ON YOUR SYSTEM with DSL installed, i read this in the details of my isps contract for DSL that they insist that you provide some sort of firewall on you system as they quite rightly cannot be held responsible for malpractice of the acts of people trying to hack your system! :(
flyby2001 - did u choose Pipex as your ADSL ISP ?

They're are pretty good =) I've been with them since Feb - apart from connection problems on 2 ocassions - they've been great.

Yes i have chosen pipex due for activation monday lets hope all goes well....shadey what sort of download speeds do you get on average do you ever download movies if so how long does it take you???


flyby out.......
On average - um - files from http sites come down about 60k. Of course this highly depends on the connection speed with the source.

Movies, yes have downloaded many - say average 3.5 hours (or more) per cd (700mb or less) but i have got them faster directly from ppls ftp site or mIRC (rarely).