downloaded films playing upside down


New member
ok now ive got my avi to vcd problem sorted i have another problem to try and sort out. just downloaded a film and when i have played it it is playing upside down!!!this is well weird, can anyone help me as to why it is like that and what i can do to stop this from happening.any help would be very much appreciated. thanks
What file? AVI? MPG? MKV? OGM? RMVB? or what? Also what codec and what are you using for playback? Also any subtitles and if so is VOBSub loaded in the filter graph?

Flipping is generally the result of a YV12 to RGB colourspace conversion.
i have this with the vodsub loaded!!! i know that the picture can be flipped manually, but it is boring to do it each time (not all movies need it). some months ago i found an answer in some forum with removing some file in a windows' directory, but lost the link.
if anyone remembers/knows this, PLEASE remind me!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
upside down movies

i was the same till i got cucusoft avi to vcd/dvd which converts avi files to vcd/dvd and turns them as well


New member
brettytopbanana said:
ok now ive got my avi to vcd problem sorted i have another problem to try and sort out. just downloaded a film and when i have played it it is playing upside down!!!this is well weird, can anyone help me as to why it is like that and what i can do to stop this from happening.any help would be very much appreciated. thanks

i was the same till i got cucusoft avi to vcd/dvd which converts and turns avi files to vcd/dvd
Can do the same thing with AVISynth whilst converting. flipvertical()
Then you can encode with CCE, MainConcept or whatever. Just about anything would be quicker than cucusoft.