Download this now 15 minute movie thats only 64kb's.unbelievable

the2dude said:
i got this movie thats 15 min with 5.1 surround sound and its only 64 kb's
at h**p://
Its trye..and its f.......n unbel.
this is a magic--at least for me.. :confused:
here is attachment couse it sends you on 5 different pages
btw it sounds good too..and i mean on hq audio speakers..psb stratus gold
How they fitted all in??


Yeah i treid the woman 1 which is the 1 zver attached i think & it looked amazing & sounded great (not that i like dance music lol)Like U say it astounding how they fit it all in :)

BaNzI :D
banzibaby said:
Yeah i treid the woman 1 which is the 1 zver attached i think & it looked amazing & sounded great (not that i like dance music lol)Like U say it astounding how they fit it all in :)

BaNzI :D
Thats what surprised me...I mean it sounded so clear.....even high tones were ok..64kb????
there's quite a lot more "magic" stuff from the same guys at (site is in english and almost no text)
all this stuff is called demoscene and there are quite a lot productions like these from other groups.
another nice one (point blank) from a group called stockholm syndrome is attached (i hope it works on your machine ... on my old one it doesnt ..)

a good site for more information is
and for all (and thats quite a lot :) demoscene related files:



brings ya back in time forti dont it :), to the good old days of when the cracking groups did something other than cracking ..when they released kick butt demos/mega demos and MICRO demos such as these in regular contests to see who could squeeze the most outta nothing :)
zver said:
Thats what surprised me...I mean it sounded so clear.....even high tones were ok..64kb????
yeah it's really amazing ...
the sound code is written by kb ( ) and is about 4KB. no external libraries used. it is a speech synth for the singing and a soft synth for the music, it is all generated in realtime while you are watching the demo.

it was released at breakpoint 03
so i'm going to Breakpoint 04 this easter :) ( ) the biggest german demoscene party, hoping for some good releases ... and perhaps making a own one with two friends, i hope we get it finished but it wont be that good ... we'll see ... we dont have their (farbrausch) experience ...
VIPER_1069 said:
brings ya back in time forti dont it :), to the good old days of when the cracking groups did something other than cracking ..when they released kick butt demos/mega demos and MICRO demos such as these in regular contests to see who could squeeze the most outta nothing :)
yeah ...
just in tradition there are now groups writing demos for the new nokia n-gage ... its amazing what can be done on that platform:
or if you want to run it on your own n-gage:

and there are still quite a lot writing demos for c64 and other old school platforms.
f-ing awesome stuff.
Most jaw dropping thing since dvd2one shook the dvd scene.
It couldnt be done...but! :D