doom 3 demo....

I just got the demo and it is quite impressive. But its spanking my computer (p4 1.7, geforce 2Ti 64mb, 384mb ram). I have a pretty decent computer but this untweaked demo brings my baby to its knees. When encountering an imp I get about 3-7 fps(yeah go ahead and laugh) My friend brags because his system (brand new voodoopc p4 2.53, 1gig rdram, geforce 4 4600) is as smooth as ice. This is annoying me. Does anyone know of any patches that I can apply to the config file or anything that I can do make this beauty run faster/smoother?
p.s. I am unable to load the final map (the fred/bathroom map?) does anyone know how to properly do this.


Staff member
w* had some tweaks for Doom3 !
Just use the search function on their site, and search for Doom 3 ..
You will get what you are looking for :)


Staff member
no problem !
warp2search is one for your bookmarks ..
Usually up to date and well designed ..
The Doom3 beta is optimised for the Radeon 9700 as that is what they used at E3 earlier this year so other cards find it hard to run properly.
The second file....

I think they both do similar things...

I got a response from one of the development team and he assures me that the best of the best are working on their special areas..... he sees it everyday and says it is guarenteed to be awesome...

But then again, do we expect anything less?!!

All we need no is the ID boys to make a comparable Duke 2003! However Maz Payne was excellent.

Hope these file help you, on of them means the game doesn't crash when you choose 'Single Player' can't remember which though. sorrry! - Just install both fixes, they didn't conflict on my nVidia 4200. Just a bit of a major slowdown on the shooting moving monsters bit.... but the again, as I have said before it is still only at Alpha stages.

You lot know it will be MEGA!!!!:D


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bertieg said:
The Doom3 beta is optimised for the Radeon 9700 as that is what they used at E3 earlier this year so other cards find it hard to run properly.
Indeed Bert is correct, ATI payed a lot of money for E3 so the Radeon 9700 was optimized for this E3 Alpha. However, I discovered tonight while going through the doomconfig.cfg that there IS Nvidia card's just turned off.

Open your doomconfig.cfg (in Doom_III\base) with Wordpad. Look for seta r_useNV20 "0" and change it to "1" if you have a Geforce 3 or 4 vid card.

Wow what a difference! Along with seta s_cacheSize "128" (lower it if you have less RAM) and seta r_mode "3" (800x600 resolution) screams!!! No more lags, skips, or jumps!

By the way, I noticed that it has a setting for NV30 (Geforce 5, aka Geforce FX) and OpenGL 2.0. Read about The latest OpenGL here...

Have fun! ;)
Sorry to all ! I've downloaded the alpha version of Doom 3 but what command shall I use to play the game?
Can somebody help me?
From the ShareReactor Readme

"open your doomconfig.cfg in doom_III/base

edit those settings:
seta com_drawfps "0" change to 1
seta r_colorbits "32" change to 16
seta r_shadows "1" change to 0
seta r_fullscreen "0" change to 1
seta r_mode "3"
640x480 = 3
800x600 = 4
1024x768 = 5
1152x864 = 6
1280x1024 = 7

seta s_cacheSize "16" change to 64 or 128(only if u have a lot of ram)

then just change everything with compress in it to 1

tell me if it worked for u 2

just start the maps with
map e3/e3_1
map e3/e3_2
map e3/e3_3

Note you get to the console by pressing the ' key.
Hi all. This is my first time posting ere. =) anyway, when I try to run Doom 3 from windows, I get this error message: ERROR: GL_SelectTexture: unit = 1
Error during initialization

Anyone know how to fix this?

Edit: I fixed this already thx

Problem was I had microsoft drivers for my video card (Geforce 3)
instead of the Nvidia drivers. Uninstall drivers, then DL latest drivers from Nvidia.
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Doom3 Slow

I read that the Doom 3 Engine in the Alpha Demo is deigned to run on the GeForce FX, John Carmack is a Developer for NVidia and never wanted the General Public to have this demo thats why it wont run properly on any System. However the finished game is said to allow for other cards but it wont run at optimal settings without the new hardware.
So no matter how much tweaking is done you need the kit to run it as it should be seen!!
Sparkle have just released the first GeForce FX Card, But like the GeForce 4 I think the main issue will be the Drivers as GeForce 4 owners only get Optimal usage out of the 30.82 Detonator driver even though 40.xx drivers are available , you will notice if you run Lord Of The Rings Fellowship Of The Ring with a GeForce 4,
With the 40.xx drivers most GF4 cards make the Graphics Distort but if you use the 30.82 the game is o.k.