Does unchecking a cell and unchecking the chapter do the same thing?


New member
Suppose I have a chapter that contains only 1 cell. If I leave the chapterbox checked in VTS navigator, but uncheck the cell is that the same thing as unchecking the entire chapter?

I'm wondering if unchecking the chapter strips the entire chapter from the ifo file and if simply unchecking the cell leaves the chapter, but puts a dummy file in the cell sort of like the replace command in Menuedit.

Hopefully my question makes sense.

yep. it will just want to strip the only cell then it will be like stripping the chapter. If a title has only one chapter then it's the same thing :)

just blitz the lot I say and save the price of a blank. Just look at the case instead and read the back once in a while :D


New member
Great thanks,

I'm trying to debug a problem with Scenarist. I'm trying to strip extras out with DVDStripper and Menu edit then i use the 'Big 3' to encode the movie with CCE and reauthorist, but when I get to the final step to compile mY DVD in Scenarist it won't mux and gives me an error about about a frame in a vob and the time stamp is the exact place I removed the chapters at the end credits.

The Rip works fine in DVDShrink etc.., but something goes wrong during the big 3 process that scenarist doesn't like.

I'll keep playing, but your response helped rule out a few problems I was thinking it might be.

I think that the project is keeping the chapter points even though I stripped them and scenarist is getting confused, but these stripped chapters should be completely removed from the IFO after the DVDStripper process right?

Wow that was long..Thanks :)
yeah they could be completely removed after but you may risk upsetting the structure in just the same way as doing it before using manual methods :)

lol, you are using what I call the Mini 3, but replacing DVDShrink with the Big 3 :D