Does DVD Dtripper Copy menus to both discs?


New member
I have DVD movies which I want to backup DVD9 -> 2DVD5 as I do not want to loose quality.

DVD Fab only allows me to keep menu on one disc.
Does DVD Stripper copy menus on both discs or only on one disc?

How does it divide movie plus extra from 1 disc to 2? Most or Complete movie on first disc and rest of movie and extras on second or some other way.

If it copys menus, what happens when I click on a menu item not present in the current disc?

Disha said:
I have DVD movies which I want to backup DVD9 -> 2DVD5 as I do not want to loose quality.

DVD Fab only allows me to keep menu on one disc.
Does DVD Stripper copy menus on both discs or only on one disc?

How does it divide movie plus extra from 1 disc to 2? Most or Complete movie on first disc and rest of movie and extras on second or some other way.

If it copys menus, what happens when I click on a menu item not present in the current disc?

DVDStripper allows you to keep the menu's on both DVD's :D but also allows you to put anything else you want on both DVD's

basically you can decide what you want on each DVD such as Movie/menus on one with menu/extras on another or you could have menu/extras on both and split the movie wherever you like

all the chapter points will work properly in the chapter selection menu for both DVD's and you get to remove all the crap you don't want :)

if you select any removed video then it will just return to the menu is the thread that may help you