Do I have to keep using RW's?


New member
One of the main thrills for me in using DS is being able to remove all the trailers, warnings, & fluff, and get right to the main menu for the movie (as I still like to have the option of choosing to see some extras, etc instead of just going directly to the movie only).
Normally, all goes well. But with a particular studio's releases (think of a logo with mouse ears), I can strip out copiuos amounts of frivolous trailers, etc & have the result playback perfectly in WinDVD.
All is good, right?
No! - because when I take the same output, burn it to a dvd & then play it on the home dvd (Panasonic F65), I see it flicking through the DS'ed parts ok, but then it won't "roll over" to the main menu & just hangs.
Not wanting to waste more -r's, I've had to resort to test burning on rw's, then seeing if they play on the home dvd, etc. However, I must admit other than not wasting more -r's, I haven't had much luck in accomplishing what I'm looking for.
So - the questions - does anyone have a tried & true method that works for these flicks (I found out about not removing the small 10k clips) that will work, or a different player that will more accurately mimic "real life", or...... :confused:

Thanks in advance!


That particular studio's DVD are indeed tough. The only way to do what you want and be relatively safe, IMHO, is to mess with FIRST PLAY ITEM in Ifoedit. You can make a pre-command to take you directly to main menu (theoretically) bypassing all the inbetween (blank) troublesome cells.
My goal is to get to main menu (or to clip before it) when I insert the DVD, even without the split second black screens.
I've had a 95% success so far. When the main menu is a still, or a clip, everything is 100% OK. But when there is a clip before it, I get mixed results. If I sacrifice that intro clip, everything is 100% OK again.
But I'm still learning :)


New member
Any simple guides (ie non doom 9 :p ) for how to do that? It could solve the problems I have and really thats what I want straight to the menu.