DIvx Player with less CPU utlization!!!!!


I am looking for a divx player which used less resources like mem and CPU, especially cpu!!!!!
I am using Zoomplayer, but the util of CPU is 70 %, same for WMP

CPU utilization is dependant on the DivX codec decoding the AVI, not the actual player. Thats why they will all be very similar in the same PC.


use bsplayer or koolplaya :) both of them are great



direct links edited
both bsplayer and koolplaya take up about the same amount of CPU utilization as the others. Reason again being as ChickenMan stated (DivX playback sucks the CPU for its abilities).
Though I must say that zoom/bs/kool all take about 33%+ and not 70% as cjaar mentioned on my machine. Could be configurations or something else.
(I know there is a setting that you can adjust for the playback *for performance, so maybe cjaar has it on max).

I hv noticed that its different for different movies, eg, i hv 007 old movie(u live only 2vice), which sucks(80%), the performance is set to mid(3), but still i see this. other new movie scorpion king, which take around 40 to 50%...
does divx3 consumes more or divx4/5????
cj :D
divx 5 is actually a little more compact so it tends to take less, but it really depends on the encoding settings (eg: bitrate, etc) that were used for the movie.
To give you an example, with a bitrate of 800Kbps, it will obviously require more CPU power than something encoded at 680Kbps. Low-Pass and High-Pass filter settings can also be a big role. With older methods (nandub and such) some people setting the Low-Pass filter to 6000 will cause trouble to those with older PC systems. In general it is better for them to use 4000-5000 for Low-Pass (so that even Pentium 2 users can view without hickups).
Anyhow, before I go off into too deep an explanation, it just simply depends on how the movie was encoded. The better the picture and sound quality of your movie, the more resources it will hog. There is no way of getting around that.
But all the players mentioned work well and you'll just have to make due. I don't know your PC specs, but as long as you can view your movies fine without hickups, don't worry too much about the CPU usage.
Good luck.

ok fine let me tell what i did to reduce the utilization. 007 u live 2vice was encoded by divx3(mplayer2--> properties), i set the cpu quality to least i.e 1(i hv p4 1.5Ghz), with this still i saw 70 to 80 % hog. Now i used Directshow filters instead of codec to play back, i used latest nimo codec pack. with this i saw for the same movie 20 to 30 % only.... I am NOT a divx guru.... i dont know what makes the diff,
will there be any quality diff playback with codec and DS filter ?????. With DS playback other movies take even less now 20 to 30 %
